Home Marketing Why Video Marketing is so Powerful

Why Video Marketing is so Powerful

by admin

Video is no longer a marketing strategy; the entire business strategy accommodates your goals. From Website to Social Media to Email Marketing, videos have revolutionized how we work with content. The power of video content is known to all, but it holds a profound place in growth. Let’s see why. 

1. Video offers an excellent Return on Investment.

Unlike other marketing techniques where the ROI isn’t that great, video tends to offer the highest ROI. 80% of businesses agree that video offers a phenomenal return on value. 92% of marketers continue to value video as the most important part of their marketing strategy.  

What do you invest in while creating a good, well-converting video? Sometimes as little investment as a comprehensive video maker, and sometimes as large as millions. Well, worry not. You aren’t supposed to spend large when you can’t. Creating videos from scratch and video editing is quite easy, owing to the prominence of video tools. Just start small and set a benchmark for the video qualities. Stick to it and start publishing video content. You will eventually find ways to perfect your art at video making, but till then, you will already have a considerable base to play on. 

Videos perform well, reach a larger target audience, gain more engagement and help you persuade desired CTA from the viewers. You would see a direct result in improved ROI when you start using videos for your business. 

2. Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

Videos are engaging simply because they are attractive. People don’t like to read something when they can easily view it. Even when you have nothing but written content to present, convert it into videos, and you will see a change in how your audience reacts. 

Video boosts your sales directly. Wondering how? 

58% of people like to watch videos of products before buying something. 85% of these people purchase after viewing the product and review videos on your page. 

People watch explainers and review videos before placing orders. When your potential customer finds everything they need to know about the product, they are positively influenced to purchase. 

By adding a video to your landing page, you can boost your sales conversions by 80%. Aren’t these statistics enough to know that video directly brings sales if created on point. 

3. Google loves video

There is simply no benefit to being online if Google doesn’t recognize you. The race on the Internet is the race to get visible. With Videos, you can boost your searchability. Wondering how? Well, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the World and guess who owns it? Google. 

The algorithm of Google naturally brings your page in upper searches when they can read optimized videos on your web. By placing video on your landing page, your business is 53% more likely to appear on the first page of Google. Besides, people tend to spend more time on your page when there is video embedded on it. This reduces the bounce rate and increases the stay time on your page. You earn brownie points and are sure to earn Google’s love. 

Did you know that 62% of universal searches on Google include a video, and 8 out of 10 of those video results come from YouTube? 

Well, all the more reasons for you to diversify your video content and start publishing regularly. 

4. Video Marketing eases your task.

Selling online is difficult since it is difficult to establish trust. This is also because certain products and services are difficult to explain digitally. Videos could be of great help in such circumstances. With videos, it is 10 times easier to educate the viewers about the product, how to use it and its technical specifications. 

What would you prefer, reading a user manual or watching an explainer video? 

There you have your answer. Video marketing eases the task of conveying difficult information, and you can stay assured that the information would be retained in the viewer’s mind for long. 

Make use of a video maker to create interactive, animated or entertaining videos for educational and relevant content.

5. Video engages lazy buyers

82% of the global Internet traffic comes from online video streaming. Its human psychology to grasp anything better when conveyed through moving images. Make active use of videos to attract your active and passive potential customers. With videos alone, you can create the demand of your product, create a customer base and grow it into billions. 

84% of people are convinced to buy the product after watching its video. Such is the effectiveness of video content. It persuades positive decisions, and that is good for your brand sales. 

6. Video establishes trust

In the digital world, while you are there to thrive and offer your services, fraudsters are looting the people with false claims. This refrains people from buying online. So, how do you plan to gain the trust of such people? It’s quite simple if you make effective use of videos to establish trust. Videos offer assurance and confidence one needs while making a purchase online. To gain the trust of people, you need various categories of people on your web, social media platforms and landing page. This includes,

  • Company video
  • Product video
  • How to use video
  • Review videos
  • Tutorial videos
  • Video from the founders
  • Interactive videos

Such videos would create a positive synergy for your brand in the minds of viewers. It would, directly and indirectly, influence the decision to purchase. 

Conclusively, videos would give your brand the much-needed brand value in the market. You can expect your marketing strategies to perform well and offer results with a solid foundation value. It is important that video marketing becomes the whole of your business strategy for dealing digitally. The accomplishment of goals is more accessible with video marketing strategies in place. 

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