Home Marketing Tips on How Startups Can Leverage the Power of Video Marketing

Tips on How Startups Can Leverage the Power of Video Marketing

by Rajdeep Basu
Video Marketing

There are millions of startups in the market today. This has multiplied competitors in numbers and has made it difficult for some businesses to stay afloat. To sustain, your brand should be relevant in the market by offering a relevant product line.

While this is extremely important, there is another component to keep in mind. One must ensure your customers know about your product. Only then will they decide on purchasing it. Many products today go unnoticed by customers, which is fatal for companies. This is why it is imperative to take advantage of all the marketing tools available.

Utilizing marketing tools to the fullest ensures company development. Video advertising is a must-use marketing tool today. Any brand looking for long-term steady growth must create video content. But the question is, how do we implement video content to marketing strategies? In this blog, we’ll share useful tips for your startup to leverage the power of video marketing:

1. Tutorial Videos

Did you know, How-to videos (or tutorial videos) are generally the most highly viewed videos on the internet? It should not come as a surprise since everyone has searched tutorial videos on the internet at one point in their lives. These videos have the best Return On Investment.VSDC free video editors is a non-linear editing application developed by Multilab LLC

Not only does it work as an instruction manual on how to use your product, sharing the video on social platforms can generate a large number of leads. You can use the best video maker tool to create unique videos, it helps to showcase the strong points of your product too. This will build trust amongst the customers, and they are less likely to hesitate to purchase from your company.

Now, many brands only offering services may be confused about what tutorial videos to make. There are several topics you can choose from. You can create a video showing customers how to navigate through your platform. You may even give tips & tricks on how they can make the most of your service. This is a wonderful way to display your customer support.

Once you have gained an engaging audience with these videos, they will give you more video content ideas themselves! Ask them on your social media pages what videos they need. Creating videos to their demand shows that you are willing to listen to your customers. This will boost brand likability and sales.

2. Social Media

We cannot stress this enough. Social media is probably the most powerful marketing tool to have existed to date. You can potentially reach nearly half of the world’s population using social media. It would be foolish for any company to not have a social media presence. Your brand would be losing out on thousands of customers. However, simply having official brand social media accounts is not enough. One should ensure to post regularly and engage with other users.

Videos are the best content to post on social media. Posting video content has proved to promote the most engagement on the platforms. This is because videos use both audio and visual modes of communication. Both modes force the audience to glue their eyes to the screen and retain the information presented in the video.

The topic of your video does not necessarily matter. Sharing tutorial videos dramatically increases revenue generated. However, one should try to create shorter videos (or ‘clips’) for social media. This is because social media is for fast-paced people. There are many editing apps available that work as an ad maker if needed to be. If the content is too detailed, viewers will quickly get bored and be discouraged from clicking on your website. Your social media videos can be snippets from the original video. It should entice users to click on your profile and to learn more.

3. Lives and Webinars

There are different types of posting one can do on social media platforms. ‘Going live’ is one of the lesser-used yet highly effective types of posts. Live videos are highly viewed due to their exclusivity. Users grow curious, and due to its time restraint, end up watching the live video. This particular form of posting allows viewers to feel more connected to the brand.

It allows them to humanize your brand. Humanizing your brand will let customers empathize with your company. They will more likely purchase your products and services. Most brands shy away from lives as they prefer having scripted videos. However, most raw and unscripted lives promote ability and likability.

4. Collaborate

Influencers run social media platforms. They have large dedicated fanbases. These fans are greatly swayed by these social media influencers’ opinions and decisions. When marketing, consider collaborating with them. It allows your brand to piggyback off of their fanbase without much effort.

Creating a simple video with them stating their opinion of your brand (or specific products/services your brand offers) can cause an influx in followers and sales. Having a strong follower count is imperative for long-term growth. Collaborations will also spike brand awareness which is extremely important to stay relevant.

5. Add Videos in Newsletters

Newsletters are a great way to reach out to customers not active on social media. You can boost engagement through your email marketing strategy by adding videos. The only downside is that you cannot insert a video into your email. However, over the years, people have found other ways to use videos in their email lists to increase open rates and engage ability.

  • Have the word ‘video’ in the subject line.
  • Insert images with a ‘play’ button on top. This looks like a video.
  • Incorporate GIFs in your emails.
  • Add a YouTube link to the video.


Videos are extremely versatile marketing tools. The above-given points are the most basic yet fundamental ways to incorporate videos into your marketing strategy. To further ensure growth, we recommend playing around with videos a bit more. Understand what your audience wants as no viewer group is identical to another. However, when experimenting with other ways to leverage the power of video marketing, one must use these basic ways. In the chance your experiment does not play to your brand’s favor, they will work as a safety net. 

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