Home Home Improvement Plumbing checklist when buying a house

Plumbing checklist when buying a house

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When buying a new house, there are a lot of things to look out for, especially if it has been previously inhabited. This is because there is a need to ensure that the house is in a good condition before you move in. Doing this can help determine the amount of repair that needs to be done, and this can be a yardstick for deciding whether you are willing to purchase the property. A plumbing check is one important inspection that you need to do. So here are a few things, you may want to look out for in the house. 

Condition of plumbing pipes 

If the building is old, then there is a possibility, Effective Plumbing Services need not be heavy on your pocket that most of its parts have become weak over the years, and that is not excluding the pipes. If you are in direct contact with the homeowner, you could inquire about the age of the water lines, so you’ll be sure you’re not in for a lot of unplanned repairs. If you cannot get the information, you can contact a professional plumber to help examine the condition of the pipes. Also, you may want to verify the type of pipe that is used in the building. Depending on the material, pipes tend to have varying life spans and durability.

Look out for the toilet 

One other place you want to look out for is the toilet. Check the toilet seat to ensure that it is firm and not shaky. If it is, then this could be a sign of some potential damage around here. First, it could signify a water leak beneath the toilet. The toilet pipe may be leaking water into the surrounding floor making it weak, and as a result, the toilet seat does not stay firm. Or it could just be a little bolt tightening problem. So, before checking for a possible pipe leak, check the toilet bolts and ensure that they are properly fastened, if it’s not, then that is the problem.

But if it is, move on to examining the floor around the toilet to see if it feels rather soft than firm and solid. If the floor does feel soft, then that could be a sign. Also, asides from checking for the firmness of the toilet seat, try to flush the toilets to see if it has a weak flush or runs for too long. If there is more than one toilet in the house, make sure to do this for all of them. This will help to determine if there is a plumbing issue with all the toilets, which could be a sign, or if the issue is just with a single toilet.

Check the basement 

Most plumbing problems that manifest in the interior of a building are likely from damages done in hidden parts of the house like the basements and the crawl spaces. And often times these are the parts that are overlooked during a plumbing inspection. Although this is quite understandable because locating a fault in these areas can be quite difficult and may sometimes require that you hire a professional, it is still very important to do so. Also, if there is little time between inspection and moving in, it is easy to miss out on these places. So while checking pipes in the house, also look out for ones that may not be too visible. 

Water quality matters 

Water is a basic need in every home, so if you are going to be staying in the building you might as well be sure of water accessibility. One easy way to do this is to check from the tap. Turn on a tap in any part of the building, and carefully examine the water coming from it. You can simply collect the water in a cup and then take it somewhere with enough natural lighting. Check the color of the water, as well as its odor, if you find that there are impurities in the water then it could mean that either the source of water supply to the building has been contaminated or there is a water leak somewhere. 

Damaged pipes bring in dirt along with the water supply so you start to notice some particles of dirt in the water. If the water has a smell, then it could either mean a broken sewer pipe or as earlier said, contamination of the water source. Excess chlorination of water can also alter the smell of water. 

Chlorine is usually added to water to kill pathogens, but when added in excess, it becomes too noticeable and in most cases unacceptable. If there is a problem with the water smell or color, this requires immediate attention, since such factors can make the water unsafe for drinking and general use. Also, check for the flow of water from the tap. The flow should be steady and smooth. If it’s not, check for leaks and pipe breaks. 

Check the drainage inside and outside 

One major plumbing problem in homes is blocked drainage, so you might want to check this. If the house has been previously inhabited then it is likely that the drainage is filled with things like food particles, residue, and hair which can potentially block the drainage if they are not removed. This is most common in kitchens and bathrooms. 

To know if the drainage is in a good condition, turn on the tap in your kitchen and observe as the water moves down the drainage. If the movement is slow with a gurgling sound, chances are that the drainage is blocked, and will have to be cleared; professional plumbers Sydney can help with this. You can as well do this check in the bathroom and toilet, and try observing as well. 

Other items on the checklist 

While checking the drainage inside the house, also check that of the exterior. There are two major places to check, the rain drain system, and the roof. Debris and leaves often obstruct the movement of water down the roof, and this could be a serious problem if the roof is not sloppy. Likewise, if the rain drain system is blocked, rainwater cannot freely flow away from the building, and that can cause potential harm to the structure. You can as well ask to do a physical inspection on the water heater in the house. This way you can identify residue buildups, corrosion, or even leaks. 

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