Home health Guidelines For Handling Menopause From Harpal Clinic

Guidelines For Handling Menopause From Harpal Clinic

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Guidelines For Handling Menopause From Harpal Clinic

Once a woman lives long enough, she will eventually go through menopause. While going through this tumultuous stage in her life, she can either finish menopause with a trail of bodies or she might have her relationships in tact, menopause is particularly difficult for those suffering with autioimmune disease. This all depends on communication and how the other people in her life respond to her. So, if you are in the process of going through menopause, then this is understandable. On the other hand, if you are a husband, partner or even a friend of a woman going through menopause, then be sure that she wants you to understand these things. 

We will now look at some tips that will help everyone to deal with menopause. 

Be aware of the symptoms

The very start of menopausal symptoms and hormone fluctuation is known as perimenopause. This is a frustrating time because it is quite unpredictable. There are women who can experience reductions in their hormones in their mid thirties. However, there are others who experience these reductions in their mid forties. There are also many women who don’t experience any symptoms. If you have had a hysterectomy done or an oophorectomy which is a surgery for ovary removal, then you may find yourself thrown into menopause as soon as you finish your surgery. There are many women who don’t even realize what is happening. Therefore, it is important to be able to understand and recognize changes in mood so that you can get through it safely without it causing too much damage. 


It is very important to listen and communicate clearly. Unfortunately, doctors haven’t been able to solve the problem of menopause for many centuries, so that means that you and your loved ones likely won’t be able to solve it as well. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to listen, sympathize and be as patient as possible. You should try to understand the experience, even if you may never go through it yourself. 

Avoid pushing

Even though this is a difficult and touchy subject, understand that there are many women who would not be comfortable actually talking about it. So, the best you can do is be supportive and this is often enough. 

Alter your expectations

If you are dealing with a menopausal lover, then you need to understand that your partner’s sexual appetite may change and it may very likely drastically decrease. This may be in part due to vaginal dryness or a decrease in testosterone. It is true that women have testosterone. So, you should try your best to be patient and show your affection and love in different ways. You shouldn’t take these changes personally. In most cases, your lover’s libido will likely return after menopause is over. Also, when you don’t have to worry about pregnancy and this can be quite appealing!

Lower friction

One of the main sources of problems during menopause is a lack of sex. In many cases, this may be because of friction. In many cases, a partner that is menopausal or perimenopausal may not want to let you know about this. However, due to having lower levels of estrogen, this can lead to vaginal dryness and a higher susceptibility of tearing. This is a big issue that you will also need to face after menopause. Now, all you need to do is a bit of research and look into tantric sex, sex toys, speak with a sex therapist, try lubricants and more. 

Allow her to control the thermostat

This doesn’t matter whether it is in the home, kitchen, bedroom or even the office, temperature regulation is quite important for menopausal women. Unfortunately, during menopause, most women experience symptoms such as hair loss, hot flashes, gaining weight and more. As a result, most women feel like they don’t have control over their own bodies. So, by being able to control the temperature by adjusting the thermostat or opening/closing windows, it can help provide a sense of much needed control. 

Avoid bringing up the symptoms

Lastly, menopause is a difficult subject for many women to talk about even if this shouldn’t be the case. Therefore, as a partner, friend or family member, it is best to keep this information to yourself and not publicly speak about it.

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