Home Business Why Scavenger Hunts Make Great Corporate Reunions

Why Scavenger Hunts Make Great Corporate Reunions

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Scavenger Hunts

Corporate reunions are a great way to help your employees connect with each other and the company. To encourage positive interaction, you can prepare interactive activities like a scavenger hunt for your employees. Activities like this increase employee participation and help introduce healthy competition opportunities. 

Here is some more information about fun corporate activities:

What Is a Scavenger Hunt?

A scavenger hunt was traditionally a game where a team or individual was tasked with finding specific items or performing pre-determined tasks from a given list. It has evolved to include fun group activities using funny or witty questions, creative challenges, and clue-based mysteries or puzzles. They could even involve a murder mystery or an “escape game” scenario. Scavenger hunts can be as versatile and creative as your company wants for its corporate reunion. Group hunts require all the team members to contribute and participate in bringing the team together.

A scavenger hunt ideal for a reunion can include:

  • Collaborative tasks between teams which would lead to more mingling and more reconnections
  • A cocktail or food session at the end of the hunt to allow team members to have conversations and catch up as they reconnect
  • Group photos documenting the hunt or competitions for the best photo
  • Interviews in an informal setting to allow colleagues to express their joy at a meeting in-person once again

Benefits of a Reunion Scavenger Hunt

As the transition from working remotely to returning to the office begins, your employees may be in dire need of social connections. You can encourage positive interactions by providing them with opportunities to socialize in non-work-based situations. This can be done in a no-pressure, fun environment away from the office.

A scavenger hunt is a fun, low-cost activity. It does not take up a lot of time and doesn’t necessarily require physical contact. It can help you to:

Re-establish Teamwork and Build Morale 

Most tasks had to be accomplished individually during the pandemic. A group activity will help rebuild team spirit and the morale to achieve goals together. Your employees can have fun together without having to do so much of the work on their own.

Connect the Employees 

Working from home is often an isolating experience. A scavenger hunt will remind the employees how it felt to work as a team and count on another team member to bring the prize home. It will require the employees to work together towards a common goal without any individual breaking off to pursue a personal agenda. This will remind them of the value of collaboration.

Contribute to the Business Continuity 

Having open lines of communication can be beneficial for your business. Fun activities will help you to reestablish these lines, and the business can regain its continuity quickly. Employees that are able to relieve their stress with scavenger hunts will be more focused during the times they are working.

What Will a Scavenger Hunt Achieve?

Breaks the Ice

These games are an easy, fun way of getting people to work together again. It creates an environment that is enjoyable and welcoming and can make going back to work a prospect to look forward to.

Increases productivity

Engaging in a creative exercise geared at team building is excellent for group cohesion. Winning together in a fun and memorable way increases team morale and productivity. While the team focuses on the end result and collaborates to achieve it, a culture of productivity is established. This can be rewarding for all those involved.

Strengthens Teams

Some team members are generally better at giving instructions, while others are more comfortable receiving them. Improving the quantity and quality of communication can result in a faster turnaround on projects, even with fewer resources. These activities facilitate communication by making sure each member is roped in and relied on. This boosts the quality of communication and even confidence of the team members. Your employees can use their unique skillsets to complete the scavenger hunt. This experience can reveal the unique assets of each team member.

Improves Staff Retention

Teams that accomplish tasks together foster a sense of belonging and resilience as they build capability, teamwork, and mutual cooperation. Creating a welcoming office culture as opposed to just having individuals that have to work together can create ties and fulfillment. A happy employee is more likely to stay longer at an organization and look for ways they can contribute more.

Post-Covid Team Building

Going back to the office has to be something corporations consider carefully. There will be a lot of ground to cover as employees try to re-adjust back to an office and a team environment. Your corporation will need to do everything it can to create opportunities for employees to reconnect. A scavenger hunt will make sure there is a positive start and can help with seamless re-adjustment. 

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