Home Pet Newborn kittens: complete essential care guide

Newborn kittens: complete essential care guide

Newborn kittens: complete essential care guide

by Rajdeep Basu
Newborn kittens

We would like to support you in this new stage by offering you advice on the care that newborn kittens need. Keep in mind that your little companions require special attention from birth, when they are weaned and until they can support themselves. Pay attention to all their needs (food, hygiene, home), observe how they grow up happy and protected.

How to take care of newborn kittens from 0 to 3-4 weeks? 

Kittens are in their most critical and complicated stage. They do not regulate their temperature on their own and need stimulation to urinate and defecate, as we will see below. They are totally dependent on their mother and, in her absence, on you or your family.  As the days go by, you will see profound changes in their behavior: 

  • 0-4 days. Kittens are blind and deaf and hold the umbilical cord.
  • 5-6 days. They haven’t opened their eyes yet. Their movements are clumsy and very few. 
  • 9 days ago. They start listening.
  • 9-12 days. Their eyes are open.
  • 7-14 days. They are moving.
  • 14-21 days. They start walking.

Create the perfect space for your newborn kitten.

They need a comfortable environment where they feel protected. Please note the following:

The place. At this stage, they sleep a lot, 80% of the time. That’s why a quiet room with little noise is the appropriate resting place for 3 to 4-week old kittens. 

Cart. You can choose a comfortable box with high edges or a transport crate. This will prevent them from coming out and they will stay warm. This is fundamental, because if they escape their temperature will drop. 

The heat. Felines from 0 to 3-4 weeks old can suffer from hypothermia because they are not able to regulate their temperature. They must not be in direct contact with the heat source. You can cover them with blankets or wrap a bag or plastic bottle filled with hot water with a soft blanket (to prevent them from burning themselves). Electric blankets are not suitable because they could cause burns. 

Feeding kittens from 0 to 3-4 weeks 

Nutrition is the basis of good health. It is therefore advisable to choose special milk for kittens. Be aware that another type of milk may not cover their needs 100%.

For example, cow’s milk is low in energy and does not meet its calcium, phosphorus, fat, and protein needs. It contains 27% crude protein while cat’s milk contains 40%. In addition, cow’s milk can cause diarrhea in your little companion.  

Here are some tips for proper nutrition: 

  • Choose a baby bottle size that fits your cat’s size. Use injections during emergencies as they may cause injections.
  • Initially, he eats every 2-4 hours (even at night). The milk should be at a temperature of 35-38 degrees. She takes a reduced dose due to the size of her abdomen (small and fills quickly). He eats a lot each time, so he eats less when he grows up.
  • Put the cat as if it is nursing its mother. Stand on your chest and lift your head on a flat surface. That is, you should follow the usual breastfeeding position. Place the bottle flexed or slightly bent with the breast down.

What hygiene do you apply to the pill 3-4 weeks after birth?

Newborn Kitten cannot urinate or defecate on their own. They start controlling this from three weeks. Until then, the mother encourages them to lick the genitals and anus.

To ensure your kitten’s grooming, follow these simple rules: 

Gently run a damp, wrung-out compress over your kitten’s abdomen, genital and anal area. Thus, he will urinate a few seconds later. He may only defecate once a day. But if he goes more than a day and a half without doing so, go to your veterinarian. It is so small that constipation can be a very serious problem. 

Keep it dry. Cohabitation with different newborn felines causes them to get dirty, as they can urinate on them due to friction. Clean your kittens with a damp cloth, then dry them with a soft cloth. Thus, their temperature will not drop. 

What care do kittens from 3-4 weeks to 8 weeks need?

The kitten is starting to get big. He is now starting to regulate his temperature, to explore and you will see his first teeth! This is the time for new dynamics and continuous learning. 

Help him to wash himself. Set up a sandbox and stimulate it to urinate when you place it on it. Or let yourself be surprised by its capabilities. Did you know that most kittens learn to use it on their own?

Change his diet. 3-4 week old kittens begin to eat solids and drink less milk, although they still need it. Offer her age-appropriate wet or dry kibble, such as Ultima Junior kibble , moistened with warm water or special milk. 

  • Invite him to explore. You can organize a specific space like a playpen or a room without dangerous elements.  
  • Say hello to weaning. Your kitten will drink less milk and eat more solid food until the eighth week. At this age the dentition is complete and the final weaning arrives. He is now able to eat cat food on his own, so he no longer needs to be moistened. 
  • Begin his vaccination and deworming. 
  • The first weeks of kittens are the most complicated, but they are vital for them to grow up healthy. We are happy to be at your side and to help guarantee the well-being of your companion!

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