Home Business How do remote staffing solutions hire remote workers?

How do remote staffing solutions hire remote workers?

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How do remote staffing solutions hire remote workers?

Triggered by the pandemic, remote working is fast becoming the trend today. Renowned companies like Meta, Dropbox, Slack, and Quora, to name a few, shifting to a remote-work setup because of the advantages it offers, both for employees as well as employers. According to a 2021 survey by McKinsey, about 70% of computer-based jobs can be made 100% remote without reducing productivity or effectiveness.  

However, one major challenge associated with remote working is remote recruitment. With many job boards, social media, and job application platforms available, remote hiring can get chaotic and exhausting. One needs specific procedures in place to boil down to a list of the most competent and suitable candidates.  

Remote staffing solutions offer a helping hand in this tedious task of recruiting and retaining top industry talent remotely. They not only enable you to expand your search to a vast geographical area but also make the process efficient and cost-effective. Here’s the basic step-by-step process followed by remote staffing services to match you with a befitting candidate. 

  • Resume collection and screening 

Remote staffing solutions source candidates from diverse platforms including social media, job boards, employee referrals, and their own contacts. The resumes received are then screened to eliminate candidates who do not match the basic qualifying criteria set by the employers. Additionally, for remote working, skills like the ability to work independently, familiarity with remote working software, and remote working experience are also looked for.  

  • Tests 

The shortlisted candidates are then administered tests to assess their skill base and competence. Sometimes, tasks simulating the organization’s work profile may also be given to candidates to test their application skills and expertise. After completion of the tests, only a handful of candidates are left who make it to the interview rounds.  

  • Interviews 

Multiple rounds of interviews are conducted to closely assess the candidate’s performance, personality, working style, knowledge base, and more. It is imperative to remember that in addition to the skills required for performing the job, remote-working employees also need  skills like collaboration, communication, accountability, and organization. They need to work independently under minimum supervision and as a part of a team of remote workers.  

  • Background and reference checks 

Once the client gives a final go-ahead for a candidate post-interview, remote staffing solutions carry out the associated background and reference checks. They have a vast network of contacts and references, making the process quick and error-free.  

  • Hiring and Onboarding 

The candidates who pass all checks are then hired and welcomed into the organization. Remote staffing services manage all documentation associated with the onboarding process. 

Things to keep in mind while hiring remotely 

  • Communicate your job requirements, expectations, and ways of remote working very clearly at the beginning itself. 
  • Make sure you assess if the applicant can fit well with your work culture.  
  • Set up your technology and conduct one or two trial interviews beforehand to minimize glitches and potential errors that may arise during the actual process.  


Even though the basic process of hiring remains the same as in-person recruitment, you need to be extra cautious while conducting remote recruitment. Having a trusted remote staffing service by your side can help you identify the right candidate from among a thousand applicants.  

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