Bigg Boss 4 Tamil has yet to evict its contestants, but there was no eviction last week. On Monday’s episode tension reigned in Bigg Boss as the contestants were called to confession to begin the nominations process for week 2. The housemates were asked by Bigg Boss to nominate two additional contestants. They had to cite valid reasons from the last week’s shortlisted contestants.
Note that Suresh is still the current house captain and isn’t being eliminated. Each contestant was required to nominate two contestants from the seven remaining contestants during the nominations process. After the task was over, Shivani and Ramya, Sanam and Rekha, Gabriella as well as Samyuktha, Samyuktha, Samyuktha, Samyuktha, and Aajeedh were selected for elimination from Bigg Boss 4 Tamil. The reality series will eventually evict any housemate that receives less votes. Although the voting lines are open through Friday midnight, viewers have two options: cast their vote online or make a missed call at the below numbers to save their favourite contestants in Bigg Boss 4 Tamil.
Voting was not able to determine the voting numbers of contestants that were nominated for elimination during the sixth week Bigg Boss 4 Telugu.
Shivani: 8367796813
Ramya: 8367796808
Sanam: 8367796815
Rekha: 8367796809
Gabriella: 8367796805
Samyuktha: 8367796811
Aajeedh: 8367796801
Voting via Hotstar App:
As stated earlier, viewers can also vote using their smartphone. You can vote online for the nominees in Bigg Boss 4 Tamil by signing into the Hotstar App.
You can also vote by searching for Bigg Boss 4 Tamil. You can vote for your favorite contestant from the seven nominated contestants for elimination. Each user will get 50 votes per day. The votes can be cast for one contestant, or divided among multiple contestants.
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