Home Education 3 Examples of Data You’d Present in a Geo Chart

3 Examples of Data You’d Present in a Geo Chart

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Geo Chart

Geographical charts, sometimes known as geo charts, are excellent visualization tools for data that varies across physical space in the real world. Geography is a key learning opportunity that many businesses fail to take into account. Geographical knowledge is essential in rolling out great products across large distances and engaging user bases that may exist in unique cultural and climatic environments.

A geo chart is a great opportunity to make sense of unique physical data that would otherwise go underrepresented or missed altogether. Geo charts are great for representing heat maps, distance-based information, and many other details. Oftentimes, geographical information is presented in a gradient that uses color to represent different areas and the data that corresponds to these locations. Many users are familiar with a number of different types of geographical charts, even though they may not realize it. The truth is that quite a bit of data is represented with the help of geographical charts, continue reading for three great examples of data you might present in this fashion in order to help your business excel in all that it does.

1. Election maps utilize geographical charts.

One of the most recognizable formats for a geographical chart is in the Election Day maps that news outlets roll out to help viewers understand election results in real time. These maps are marked by dramatic change throughout the course of the day, and these changes often mirror the monumental political change that is occurring as citizens cast votes and then watch with rapt attention to learn the results.

Geographical data presented in this way is intuitive and easy to understand. In the United States the two main political parties—the Republican Party and the Democratic Party—are represented by the colors red and blue, respectively. These colors are easily identifiable, and the vast majority of American viewers instinctively understand the dichotomy that exists here. Therefore, news outlets publish maps that constantly update with new data throughout the day and night as election results roll in. Once a state has been won by a candidate from either party, that state is shaded in the candidate’s party affiliation color, building an easy-to-understand visual representation of the outcome.

2. Asset charting is made simple with these data visualization products.

Another use case lies in asset charting. Brands such as Amazon, for instance, might want to publish easy-to-understand maps that spell out exactly where assets exist across the country and the globe.

Brands like this own considerable resources, and often these exist across state lines and even national boundaries. As a result, a vast network of assets must be maintained and managed. Geographical charts help brands do just that. By mapping out where assets lie, businesses are able to gain a better understanding of the supply chain management and transportation and mobility needs that will factor into continued success in the industry and in any new outlet that may be pursued in the future.

3. Climate change is another hot button issue that uses geographical data.

Climate science has become increasingly important in the last few years. Social change has prompted a drastic shift toward environmental sustainability and better stewardship over the world that we inhabit. Climate science is intimately linked to the geography upon which shifting sea levels, differing weather patterns, and rising temperatures act. As brands work to become better stewards of the land and scientists seek to uncover better information that helps decision-makers act in a timely manner, geographical data becomes more and more important.

These and many other data products are affected by the use of geographical information. Consider adding geographical datasets and geo charts to your ongoing business needs for a greater understanding of the environment in which we live.

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