Home Business 10 Best States for Starting a Small Business in 2022

10 Best States for Starting a Small Business in 2022

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Small companies account for 99.9 per cent of all enterprises in the United States, and the Small Business Administration estimates that around 600,000 new smaller companies are formed each year (SBA). Several aspects contribute to the success of businesses and business growth, but one of the most important is the state’s favourable attitude toward small businesses.

If you’re starting a small or medium-sized business (SMB), several critical criteria might have an instant influence on its performance and business growth. The location of a nascent SMB owner’s business is one of the most essential decisions he or she can make. Location is critical – and studies indicate that location may influence how quickly a firm can get off the ground and help in business growth.

Best States to Start a Business

  • Texas:

Startups are rushing to Texas to launch new firms, and it’s no surprise given the state’s explosive development over the last decade. This state has the second-highest business growth rate in terms of state gross domestic product (GDP) and a 7.7 per cent rise in the working-age population in only five years.

The low tax burden is one of the primary draws for Texas’ 2.7 million small enterprises. Texas is exempt from both individual and corporate income taxes, according to the 2019 State Tax Climate Index. Moreover, it is the favourite place of top amazon aggregators due to relaxation in tax. 

Additionally, Texas has a low cost of housing and a trained workforce as a result of the state’s numerous cities and institutions, making it simpler to hire qualified personnel than in other states. This all leads to an increase in businesses growth.

  • Utah:

Utah has had a tremendous development in past years, with a 9 per cent increase in the workforce, which is just one of the reasons why the beehive state is one of the greatest areas in the United States to start a small business and having tremendous business growth. Additionally, Utah has an abundance of startup capital accessible to new enterprises, with 101 firms obtaining around $11.5 million in funding in 2019 for a total investment of $1.16 billion, according to SeekCapital. Additionally, Utah’s small business tax structure benefits companies in particular. LLCs, on the other hand, transmit their earnings and losses through to their members’ tax returns. Business income tax rates are fairly low at 4.95 per cent, down from 5% in 2018 that why more and more brand value accelerator are showing interest here. 

  • Georgia:

Georgia is another state with a significant concentration of venture funding accessible to small enterprises. Georgia is on the upswing as one of the finest places in the US to have an increase in business growth, with 112 firms earning an average of $10.2 million per business and a total investment of $1.14 billion.

Georgia’s population launched a business at a greater business growth rate than the national average of 42 per cent; nevertheless, the state’s small business survivability rate is lower at 76.12 per cent. In terms of the business tax environment, Georgia recently reduced its corporate tax from 6% to 5.75 per cent by 2020. This, along with the state’s low cost of living and a high proportion of entrepreneurship motivated by opportunity rather than need, makes it an excellent location for starting a small business.

  • Montana:

Perhaps the most compelling reason for entrepreneurs to establish enterprises in Montana is the absence of income tax. Additionally, Montana companies save significantly on labour expenses, since the treasure state has the second-lowest average cost of actual labour pay in the United States, at $31.56 per hour.

Additionally, Montana has a low expenditure of living and an excellent workforce. Additionally, Montana’s great quality of life translates into stronger retaining employees than other states.

  • Oklahoma:

Oklahoma has a greater entrepreneurial rate than the national average, with 39% of the state’s population launching a new firm. This is possible because Oklahoma has one of the greatest business climates in the United States.

Oklahoma offers small company entrepreneurs several advantages, including venture financing and a greater survival rate than other states. In 2018, Oklahoma had just four venture-backed enterprises; nonetheless, each of these businesses got around $4.8 million in funding. Additionally, Oklahoma startups have an 81.51 per cent survival rate, which ranks third in the US.

  • Florida:

Florida is noted for its tax-friendliness, with no personal income tax and a corporation income tax of only 5.5 per cent; this is one of the reasons entrepreneurs account for.46 per cent of the state’s population.

Additionally, there are other advantages to beginning a business in Florida, including low actual labour compensation expenses per hour and a record of successful small enterprises that began with an average of $5,000 in initial capital. This is not to say that startups have a labour scarcity; small firms in Florida generate an average of 6.41 jobs during their first year.

  • North Dakota:

North Dakota has had a great development in recent years, with the state’s GDP increasing by 3.9 per cent during the first quarters of 2018 and 2019. This is not the only outstanding aspect of North Dakota business; the state also has an extraordinary workforce, with a labour force participation rate of 69.6 per cent – the highest in the United States.

Corporate income tax rates in North Dakota are as follows: 1.41 per cent for firms with annual revenue of $0 to $24,999, 3.55 per cent for businesses with annual revenue of $25,000 to $49,999, and 4.31 per cent for businesses with annual revenue of more than $50,000. Corporate income tax rates are fairly low, and the cost of living is cheap, which adds to the attraction of launching a business in North Dakota.

  • California:

California has the second-highest percentage of new businessmen in the US, with.45 per cent of the population establishing enterprises. Luckily, the state also boasts one of the country’s best percentages of small company survival.

Additionally, the golden state has a sizable quantity of venture funding available to entrepreneurs, with 2,869 firms obtaining an average of $9.7 million per for a total investment of $26.9 billion. The most significant disadvantage for businesses in California, however, is the state’s tax climate, which ranks as the poorest in the country, with an 8.84 per cent corporate income tax rate.

  • Arizona:

Arizona’s ability to work population has increased by 6.8 per cent in recent years, coinciding with the state’s transformation to a retirement destination. This is not the only region in the state seeing development; the state’s economy expanded at a 3.8 per cent rate from 2018 to 2019.

Arizona has a cheaper cost of living and lower labour expenses than other states, with a real hourly wage of $35.75 and a favourable corporate income tax rate of 4.9 per cent. The primary disadvantage of launching a business in Arizona is that the startup rate of survival is significantly lower than in other states in the United States.

  • Colorado:

Colorado is one of the greatest states in which to establish a small business, with an 81.12 per cent startup survival rate and a moderate corporate income tax rate of 4.63 per cent. A sizable proportion of the working-age population holds a college degree. However, according to WalletHub, Colorado does not have the highest percentage of human capital. Fortunately, the pace of growth of the workforce has been exponential in recent years, growing at a rate of 7.6 per cent.

Colorado is an economically viable state in which to establish a business, as evidenced by the state’s outstanding GDP growth between 2018 and 2019. In general, this state provides several prospects for companies to thrive.

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