Home Business Why is the ECommerce Platform Important? How Does a PIM System for eCommerce Get Ready Globally?

Why is the ECommerce Platform Important? How Does a PIM System for eCommerce Get Ready Globally?

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The eCommerce industry has experienced steep growth across the world in recent times. With the rapid growth of eCommerce and to beat the rising competition in the market, several entrepreneurs have adapted creative business ideas into reality.  

If you’re one of those entrepreneurs getting to step into the planet of eCommerce, then you would like to initiate by choosing an eCommerce platform. The most vital step is you cannot afford to make any mistake when it comes to an eCommerce platform. Deciding on an appropriate platform for creating a web store should be the priority.  

Why Is PIM for eCommerce So Important For Your Business?

 Here are the set of questions on why eCommerce is so important for your business. 

  1. Is the platform scalable?

 Your business can progress with time which suggests that having a future-ready platform may be a necessity. Hence, it’s always an honest option to pick a platform that will meet the present business goals and seems to be an honest choice for the end of the day. Furthermore, the eCommerce platform should allow you to handle the stress of the growing traffic. Hence, it’s essential to ensure that the platform you select is scalable to satisfy your business needs. 

  1. Does it provide security?

 Security is often stated because the primary concern when it involves online business. The web is filled with intruders trying to steal confidential data. Ensuring the security of the confidential details of the purchasers during online transactions may be a must. Hence, you ought to choose a platform that maintains a secure environment while processing online transactions. 

  1. Does it provide shipping solutions?

 When we mention eCommerce, shipping is undoubtedly a neighborhood to think about . for creating a successful web business. It’s necessary to possess strong supply chain management. While creating a web store, you ought to remember all the logistics needs and, therefore, the entire supply chain management life cycle. Simple and automatic shipping solutions can reduce manual intervention, thus reducing the pain of logistics and helping you specialize in various other factors that will end in the expansion of your online business.

 If you’re trying to find a reasonable solution for building a web store, you’ll choose a SaaS-based DIY platform. We offer the simplest solution for all the listed features and may assist you in taking your eCommerce business to a replacement level of success.

 Challenges of PIM implementations in Global Ecommerce Platform 

Implementing PIM solutions into existing B2B solutions is often extremely complex. It requires an excellent number of custom-made solutions, adjusting to specific business requirements, and matching its structure. Nevertheless, here’s what we see because of the biggest challenges and the way we overcame them! 

  1. Ensuring high-quality of an enormous number of things and their attributes within the database

In general, handling an outsized dataset may be a difficult problem. A couple of hundred products with a moderately complex data model can take up to many rows during a database. It’s even harder to take care of the standard of those data. 

Another thing to keep in mind is the quality of knowledge .Because of a configurable main-view, each team member can specialize in the knowledge he’s working with. Then columns are often filtered to urge products to figure on. Finally, within the next step, product data is often changed directly from the info grid view. This is often very handy once you get to work on an outsized amount of product data. 

  1. Sharing product information between multiple companies

Let’s say that you are a neighbor of a multinational company operating in over 30 countries. Now the time has come to attach them through the product information management solution. 

For one of our clients operating in several European countries, we had to implement an obsessive PIM solution supported by MongoDB (a high-performance, NoSQL DB) and Apache NiFi (a flow programming tool). In addition, the new solution had to permit the exchange of data between seven different instances. During this case, each company used its data model, which was a further challenge – we had to consider that the product data structures aren’t compatible between instances. 

Nevertheless, there was an opportunity to exchange information about compatible attributes. Furthermore, because of MongoDB replica sets and, therefore, the fault-tolerance of Apache NiFi, the answer was easy to manage, monitor, and scale. 

  1. Importing data with different formats

When we work with a group of companies, we frequently need to affect various input file formats and different data scopes utilized in each of the businesses. So implementing and importing features for every file can take an enormous amount of developer time or maybe be impossible to accomplish. 

The only solution for that is to use a configurable importer, which the end-user can configure by him. 

  1. Reliability of a PIM solution

 With each B2B company, there is an excellent number of solutions that need to be integrated with the PIM system. These could be ERP, translation services, or maybe other PIMs.

 Usually, each new feature or function must work on every instance, no matter its configuration. Therefore, continuous integration, delivery, and deployment may be a must. For us, the simplest thanks to making CI/CD seamless is by taking a contemporary approach to deployment by implementing Docker and Kubernetes. This mix gives us the likelihood of early detection of errors by building applications before deployment, testing them, and deploying them automatically.  

Implementing PIM System in global eCommerce platforms 

While performing on PIM executions, we’ve discovered that there could be no more excellent on account of move in the feed well than to run tests. So, to uphold the past encounters, we’ve assembled a four-venture way which permits us to know and guarantee customers’ business prerequisites at that point and assess improvement stages with our customer. 

  1. Run an image of the idea 

 The proof of Concept, otherwise known as PoC, is to demonstrate the practicality of an answer or the achievability of a basic part of an answer. For example, can we’ve unified PIM in several organizations, where information will be divided among them? 

 Toward the starting, we characterize the PoC models to foster a testing climate and measure if the norms are met. Once, we worked with a partnership offering gathering and affixing materials in 6 Eastern European nations. The organization’s objective was to improve item circulation; at that point, we suggested PIM. To determine if this arrangement was the appropriate one, we arranged six test examples like the focal data set and welcomed organization individuals to the test group. 

 By running this Proof of Concept, we discovered that utilizing the correct decision during this case. Furthermore, we assembled the business prerequisites during a brief time frame, affirmed them with the customer, and arranged the PIM’s engineering.  

  1. Set up the engineer overabundance 

As a rule, while executing the PoC, we maintain a business examination stage. It’s partitioned into two significant exercises: disclosure workshops and making a Business Requirements Document (BRD). During revelation, the workshop group examines the needs for the planned framework and keeps in touch with the Business Requirements Document. Upheld this archive the lead designer makes necessities excess which can be a base for the task scope.  

  1. Control PIM execution measure

From the earliest starting point, test every new component and collaborate with the customer during this cycle. We should return to our model. All along, our customers could test new functionalities on their occasions. Each organization had its test occurrence, to which the new functionalities were applied to check at a comparable time due to the robotized nonstop arrangement measure.  

On account of this, the client had steady admittance to the framework being made and will test and notice changes steadily. Therefore, the occasion stage was isolated into three stages, upheld the conveyed usefulness bundle. 

  1. Assess every advancement stage

Likewise, after the finish of each improvement stage, we coordinate gatherings or outlines with the customer, so he’s consistent up until now and, simply in the event of the most recent issues, we will effortlessly talk about them and decide. Make this interaction simpler by giving your client access to your build-up framework. Additionally, the customer was prepared to follow the pre-arranged BRD documentation on a continuous premise, where the situations with specific functionalities and business prerequisites were stamped.  

This 4-venture model of participation is much more significant once we work with organizations with numerous partners. It permits partners to impact a definitive form of the framework while our execution cycle stays continuous.


Each project is different so this model may vary according to the project. Still, in many cases, it’s helped us deliver top-notch PIM solutions and support global companies in catering to finished users, with consistent product information and possible touch points.  

Always prefer to accompany the eCommerce platform provided by your web hosting service – but that’s usually not the simplest choice unless you merely don’t need to be bothered with doing all of your research and setup. But, you’ll choose open-source software, which is free but is often difficult to put in and customize.  

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