Home Education Top 5 Blockchain Books for Beginners

Top 5 Blockchain Books for Beginners

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Blockchain Books

Keeping pace with the technological advancements is quite overwhelming for many. There is no quick way to become familiar with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain technology. Experts are of the view that Blockchain is transforming the way businesses across the world operate and has witnessed increased adoption over the past few years. Tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon have already started blockchain operations and moving to distributed ledger technology. Saudi Aramco, Walt Disney, and PayPal are other popular firms leveraging the potential of this groundbreaking technology.

If you are just starting your professional career or willing to change your domain, then blockchain might just be the ideal choice for you. Today, it is easy to step into this promising field by pursuing a Blockchain course for beginners. Though online learning, instructor-led classes, and technology-based education have taken over the traditional form of learning, the value of books cannot be underrated. Books still are the preferred form of learning any concept from scratch. Fortunately, there are some good books that explain blockchain technology in detail. In this article, we have discussed the top five books that deal with blockchain technology in-depth and are suitable for beginners.

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So, let’s get started.  

Five Best Blockchain Books for Beginners

Described below are the top blockchain books along with a brief description of each. 

The Blockchain Developer by Elad Elrom

The Blockchain Developer: A Practical Guide for Designing, Implementing, Publishing, Testing, and Securing Distributed Blockchain-based Projects helps you understand the technology beyond development and crypto to better harness its potential. Written with developers in focus, this book explains the structure of blockchain and moves on to cover the process of building blockchain, decentralized apps, consensus mechanisms, P2P networks, and more. You can also rely on this book to gain practical knowledge through real-world coding examples and hands-on tools used for creating dApps. 

The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchain by Antony Lewis

Antony Lewis, coming from a conventional banking career, joined the blockchain bandwagon around a decade ago and is now an expert in this field. Though there is a lot of information regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies, it is difficult to comprehend for complete beginners. Therefore, this book acts as an accessible guide to this revolutionary technology and covers the history of bitcoins and the basics of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. You will understand what the technology actually is, how does it work, smart contracts, top blockchain platforms, and various other facets of blockchain and their importance in the changing digital economy. 

Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel Drescher

As the name suggests, this book is unique from others as it explains the fundamentals of blockchain technology in a non-technical way. In other words, it bridges the gap between purely technical and entirely business-focused explanations of this technology. Without using any mathematical formula, computer science jargon, or program code, you will understand the concepts in 25 precise steps. The book covers an introduction to blockchain, what existing problems it solves, major application scenarios of blockchain, planning the blockchain, hashing data, storing transaction data, reinventing the Blockchain, and what are its limitations. 

Blockchain for Dummies by Tiana Laurence

Professionals who want to grasp the essentials of the quickly evolving blockchain technology can read this book by Tiana Laurence. The author has thoroughly explained how a blockchain records data across independent networks securely. The book focuses on how blockchain solutions are impacting various industries like supply chain management, finance, insurance and government agencies. You will get a clear understanding of how blockchain rules the smart contracts and cryptocurrency and identify the most popular blockchains in present time and how each of them work. 

Blockchain for Beginners: The Complete Step by Step Guide to Understanding Blockchain Technology by Mark Watney 

Learn the mechanics behind blockchain, its history, how people are currently using it, and how it can be further leveraged through this book by Mark Watney. The book begins with the history of blockchain technology and what other technologies spawned from it. It then covers the working of blockchain, the applications it powers, the limitations associated with it and the challenges of blockchain. The concepts are easier to grasp as the book involves simple examples, tutorials, and applications related to it. 


Unlike many other technologies that are built on pre-existing technologies, blockchain is an entirely new model for how computer programs can run. Today, this technology is garnering attention from all the industrial sectors, and its applications are expanding far beyond the finance industry. For example, blockchain smart contracts can be used in the voting process by allowing people to cast their votes from home and tally them in a manner that the final numbers cannot be tampered with. So, if you are ready to learn blockchain today, you can explore a number of career opportunities tomorrow, the most popular one being the blockchain developer role. All you need to do is polish your blockchain skills through any of the books mentioned above or even through any online blockchain course.   

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