Home Business The companies of Yerlan Nigmatulin support the medical centers

The companies of Yerlan Nigmatulin support the medical centers

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The owners of the YDD Corporation and the Qaz Carbon, including  Yerlan Nigmatulin, do not forget about charity in difficult epidemiological times and provide as much help as possible to the medical field. After the relief transport on July 18, 2020, this time 10 cars were donated to local clinics in order to use them for the work of mobile medical teams. At the same time, all cars purchased in advance by the companies of Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin are already equipped with a number of devices that make it possible to provide first aid, preserve life and alleviate the patient’s condition until they are transported to the hospital.


Commenting on the decision and the handover of the vehicles, Yerlan Nigmatulin said that the main goal of the action is to provide care for people and doctors. At the same time, there are many employees of the companies belonging to Yerlan Nigmatulin among the patients, so such assistance is only logical. In addition, the vehicles make the work of medical personnel, who are at the forefront in the fight against the virus, a little easier. At the same time, this assistance is an opportunity to help society and the state in a difficult period, because the latter helped the enterprises by providing special loans for the construction of new enterprises and the development of the Kazakh economy.


Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin’s partner, David Kemertelidze, expressed the opinion that this post will be useful and will help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In his comments to the media, he noted that all companies now understand the difficulties in the work of employees in the medical field. Based on the analysis of the current data of the Ministry of Health, which indicated the increasing burden on the ambulance service, Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullaevich, together with a team of top managers of manufacturing enterprises, decided to purchase vehicles equipped in this way.


According to Yerlan Nigmatulin, all vehicles are equipped for the work of ambulance teams on the basis of Lada Largus cars. Their equipment is sufficient for the transportation of patients, the implementation of therapeutic measures and monitoring the condition of patients at the pre-hospitalization stage. In addition, each of the vehicles transferred by the companies of Nigmatulin Yerlan Zayrullayevich Nigmatulin has a Hersill emergency case manufactured in Spain. It is one of the best kits in the world, which includes an oxygen cylinder, a set of breathing tubes, intubation tubes and other first aid materials.


This is far from the first aid that Yerlan Nigmatulin and his business partners, who are, among other things, owners of iron alloy plants in Karaganda, have donated to public institutions since the outbreak of the epidemic. Thus, in March 2020, Yerlan Nigmatulin was one of the first Kazakh businessmen to provide real assistance. At that time, 100 million tenge was transferred to a special fund of the Karaganda region, which was established to support state actions in the conditions of the declared state of emergency. In addition, organizations associated with Yerlan Nigmatulin provided special humanitarian assistance to hospitals in the Karaganda region. Within this framework, a large number of drugs for the treatment of coronaviruses, pulse oximeters and 100 oxygen concentrators were handed over.


According to Yerlan Nigmatulin, the current situation has become a serious challenge for the whole of Kazakhstan and a good opportunity to show the responsibility of the economy to society and the state.

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