Home health Six Myths about Asthma That Parents Shouldn’t Pay Heed To

Six Myths about Asthma That Parents Shouldn’t Pay Heed To

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about Asthma

Despite the fact that 5.4 million individuals in the UK are affected by lung illness, there are many misconceptions regarding it. We’ve discovered numerous misconceptions about asthma, despite the fact that many patients and their families thoroughly understand the condition. Let’s address a few of the most widespread fallacies about asthma. 

An asthma episode cannot cause death

According to studies, three people die from asthma every day. Parents must understand that an asthma episode can be incredibly frightening since it can feel like breathing through a pillow or like an elephant is sitting on your chest. Parents come with concerns like, can I consult an asthma specialist near me? Yes, you of course you can. 

Your child can grow out of asthma 

It is incorrect to think that asthma will go away in children because one in 12 adults has the condition. Throughout a person’s lifespan, asthma can come and go. Anyone with asthma, whether they are young or elderly, may experience a flare-up at any moment throughout their life because it is a chronic, lifelong condition. It is probably not going to play a significant role in your child’s life forever. Symptoms frequently get better — or go away totally — during puberty or in adulthood.

Children with asthma should avoid doing exercise 

Many professional athletes, including footballer David Beckham, runners Paula Radcliffe, Jo Pavey, and others, suffer from asthma. Only a small percentage of asthmatics have the type of asthma that only manifests during physical activity, or “exercise-induced asthma.” There is no need for someone to avoid exercising if their illness is under good control. Consult your GP or nurse for guidance if you experience asthma symptoms while working out. For example, if you live in Manchester you can try searching for an asthma specialist doctor Manchester.

Asthma medicines become an addiction

Inhalers and orally administered medications are anything but addictive. Even when symptoms aren’t evident, taking medicine is always a smart idea. Over time, it strengthens your defenses against asthma triggers, decreasing the likelihood that you’ll experience a potentially fatal episode. Asthma triggers cause the airways of children who have the condition to constrict, making breathing more difficult and resulting in symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and shortness.

Pets cause asthma attacks

Many people believe that dogs are a major contributor to asthma. Asthma can be triggered by dander, urine, and saliva produced by any animals, including dogs and cats, but it’s not as prevalent as people believe. According to recent studies, cold air, colds, and flu are the most frequent asthma triggers, followed by dust, air pollution, cigarette smoke, and perfume. According to recent studies, keeping dogs occasionally may help people from developing asthma. The hygiene theory suggests that exposure to a variety of microorganisms is essential for the early development of the immune system. Your immune system can be stimulated by pets to produce antibodies that guard against allergens, which are frequently asthma triggers. 

Unclean homes promote asthmas

A lot of parents became overly obsessive with cleaning as they think that uncleanness or unhygienic households can trigger asthma attacks. Though this statement is partly correct you need to know that they directly don’t act as a primary factor to cause asthma. As discussed in the previous point, the different child reacts to different stimulus. The triggers vary from person to person.

Get in contact with a doctor as it is easy to book an appointment at any time. Looking for an asthma specialist in Manchester or in anywhere in the world has become facile with easy access to the internet.


A common lung disorder, asthma can have a wide range of risks, causes, and triggers. There is no spread of asthma. Asthma symptoms can make it harder to breathe and raise your risk of developing other lung-related conditions. While it is impossible to completely prevent asthma, it can be controlled by avoiding triggers and adhering to a sound management strategy. Children with asthma have never experienced normal breathing. Over years, their problems increasingly grew worse. Many people have experienced nasal congestion all of their lives.

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