Home Technology iPhone Not Connecting to Netgear Extender’s Network? Let’s Fix!

iPhone Not Connecting to Netgear Extender’s Network? Let’s Fix!

by admin

So, you’ve completed the Netgear extender setup process and looking forward to enjoy surfing the internet on your iPhone. But, what happened? You are unable to connect your iPhone to the extender’s WiFi network? It sounds painful. Well, you need not worry because this article will put end to your misery. Here, we have provided you with certain troubleshooting tactics that will help you get rid of the issue you’re currently facing in a snap. So, read on.

But, before we hop up to the troubleshooting tips, let’s have a look at the process of connecting your iPhone to the extender’s WiFi network. Perhaps, you are following incorrect steps.

How to Connect iPhone to Netgear Extender’s WiFi?

  • First of all, plug your Netgear range extender into a power socket and turn it on.

  • Now, unlock your iPhone and select the Settings menu from the Home Screen.

  • Tap the WiFi icon and turn it on. Your iPhone will search for the WiFi networks available within the range.

  • Tap the extender’s Netgear_ext from the list of available networks and enter the network password.

  • When prompted, agree to the term and conditions.

The appearance of a checkmark next to the Netgear extender’s WiFi name indicates that you’ve successfully connected to the network.

But, what’s that? You’ve mended your ways and are still unable to connect to the extender’s WiFi network. Don’t curse your iPhone. Walk through the below-mentioned troubleshooting hacks to fix the issue.

Solved: iPhone Not Connecting to Netgear Extender’s WiFi

Fix 1: Your iPhone is a technical device. For its smooth functionality, rebooting should be a regular part of its maintenance. Chances are that your iPhone has become a victim of technical glitches. Don’t lose hope, go for the rebooting process.

To get started with the rebooting process, close all apps on your iPhone. Once done, hold the Sleep/Wake button for some time. When your device shuts down, let it rest, and then press the Sleep/Wake button again to boot it up. Now, try connecting it to the extender’s network name. If you don’t get success, take the help of the next troubleshooting hack.

Fix 2: Your iPhone might not be connecting to the Netgear extender’s WiFi network due to a weak internet connection. It can occur if your Netgear extender and router are not connected properly. So, check if the connection between your WiFi devices is proper or not. If not, then make the connection stable.

If everything is fine from your end, consider getting in touch with your Internet Service Provider and verify if the issue is from his end. If the assumption comes true, ask him to rectify the issue as soon as possible.

Fix 3: An outdated firmware of your Netgear wireless range extender is another reason why your iPhone is not connecting to its WiFi network. The reason being firmware controls the functioning of any networking device. So, update the firmware of your WiFi device.

For this, switch on your PC and access the Netgear Genie setup wizard using the IP address, and click the Firmware Update option under the Maintenance section. Your Netgear extender will get updated to the latest firmware version.

Fix 4: After setting up a Netgear extender, users are suggested to change the WiFi password for security purposes. If you’ve also changed the default WiFi password, then consider using the changed password to connect your iPhone to the extender’s network.

Fix 5: If you’ve installed a number of security apps on your iPhone, they can also prevent you from connecting your device to the Netgear extender’s WiFi network. To name a few, antivirus, firewall, VPN, and ad-blocking software can create a mess.

To get the issue fixed, disable such apps on your iPhone temporarily and check if you have got success in connecting your device to the extender’s WiFi network.

Summing Up

That’s what to do if your iPhone is not connecting to your Netgear extender’s network. Following the aforementioned troubleshooting hacks might bring you success in resolving the issue. If not, then reset your extender and configure it again using the Netgear Genie app. Once done, try to connect your iPhone to the extender’s network. Are you able to?

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