Home Business Increase E-Commerce Sales: 8 Tips

Increase E-Commerce Sales: 8 Tips

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Increase E-Commerce Sales 8 Tips

In 2018, the turnover of e-commerce sites reached 93 billion euros. Since then, this number has steadily increased. The consequence? The number of online stores has multiplied, making competition particularly tough. Discover right away 8 tips to put in place today to increase e-commerce sales and stand out on the web.

1) Focus your strategy on natural referencing

Depending on your situation, the first tip for making more online sales is to increase the number of visitors. When we know that the average conversion rate (number of buyers compared to the number of visits) of the sites is 2%, it is essential to look into this point. So, if you plan to make 10 sales a day, you will need to attract qualified traffic. Where is your best ebook writing services compared to that? To optimize the natural referencing of an online store, you can in particular act on:

  • the architecture of your site;
  • image optimization ;
  • the choice of keywords ;
  • Creating a blog.

The goal is to make Google understand that your site is active and relevant to appear in the first results. Its hard work that can take a lot of time, but you won’t regret it. If you decide to improve the content on your site, an SEO web editor can be a great help. Find out here how to choose it

For example, if you sell watches online, find all the related keywords and ask yourself what people type in their search engine when they search for this type of product.

2) Set up a capture page

To increase sales, do not hesitate to create a pop-up page with a coupon. This will help you grow your customer database. You can choose an all-in-one paid solution like Systeme.io or a free WordPress plugin like OptinMonster for example. You will of course need to have a powerful email program like Active Campaign or Mail Chimp.


If you are reluctant to this idea, it is possible to display the reduction voucher only to the Internet user who plans to leave the page (so when the mouse cursor passes over the menu bar). Thus, if he decides to buy before leaving, he will not benefit from this reduction and your profit will be greater. In addition to selling more in e-commerce, you are growing your list of prospects.

3) be present on YouTube

It can be difficult to get behind the camera if you’re not very comfortable with video. In the beginning, it may even take you a long time. But you should know that 81% of French Internet users visit this social network at least once a monthIn addition, visual content often generates a higher engagement rate. And even more impressive, 64% of Internet users inquire on YouTube before making a purchase. These statistics prove that video marketing, which is really underused in e-commerce, is nevertheless an effective strategy. To create good content on YouTube, and “sell without selling”, you can create tutorials related to your field of activity. Do not hesitate to recycle your written content, present your products and talk about yourself. On the internet, humanizing a shop is a real asset.

To take our example of watches online, you can schedule a series of video tips to choose a watch, repair it, and personalize it.

4) be present on a social network

It is strongly advised to be active on social networks. Sometimes Internet users do not yet know that your product interests them. If you don’t have time or you don’t really master the “codes” of publications on Facebook or Instagram, you can call on a community manager or a web editor. You can also adopt automation solutions:

  • program your publications with software like Alfred for Instagram;
  • Install a Firefox or Google Chrome plugin to quickly post to Pinterest. It’s called “Pinterest Save Button”. When you hover over an image, it offers to save the image to the associated account. It’s super convenient and it’s free.

5) Set up paid advertisements

As you may have read above, an SEO strategy is a solution for increasing e-commerce sales, but over the long term. Content is therefore substantive work, while advertising is more of a boost to quickly generate trafficGoogle AdWords campaigns or advertising on social networks (Pinterest, Facebook) can quickly become very expensive.

The problem is that it is essential to create impactful advertisements to differentiate yourself from the competition. If you want to be accompanied by a pro, you can work with a copywriter or an AdWords campaign consultant. It is, in fact, a job in its own right in which many elements must be analyzed: conversion rate, cost of acquiring a customer, cost per click or even targeting of the typical customer.

6) Position yourself on marketplaces to sell more in e-commerce

Some e-merchants choose to improve their visibility by selling their products on marketplaces such as Amazon, EBay or Etsy for artisans. The advantage is that you open yourself up to other distribution channels. You can potentially sell worldwide. However, these platforms take a commission on all of your sales. Moreover, you are competing with sellers who live in countries with a lower standard of living. So they can slash prices.

To be successful on large e-commerce sites, it is important to choose your keywords carefully and to write descriptions that present the advantages of your products. It’s relatively long, but potentially, you can greatly improve the visibility of your offer. Some visitors will then go to your website. Another advantage: the Amazon Pro program. You send your product in 1 time to the Amazon platform. The giant then takes care of the shipping and your items are marked “free delivery”, and are displayed as a priority by the marketplace.

7) Increase the value and volume of the average basket

Another tip to increase sales is to encourage customers to add more items to their cart. Generally, your CMS (website editor) automatically integrates this type of solution: “These articles may also interest you” or “The Tiny Tech”. It should also be noted that it is preferable, to increase the number of purchases in e-commerce, not to send the Internet user directly to the purchase page after adding to the basket. Here is some information to make additional sales:

  • Cross-selling: this is the fact of offering associated or related items. It can be interesting to think about the typical profile of the buyer to offer him the right items;
  • upselling : when the customer chooses a product, you can offer him to look at the characteristics of another (more expensive but with additional advantages) so that he can compare according to his needs;
  • Free delivery from a certain amount: you offer delivery from 80 euros of purchase. The customer has a 70 euro item in his basket. What is he doing?
  • Additional offers (order-bump): gift wrapping or membership card for example.

8) Increase e-commerce sales by bringing your customers back

It’s no longer a secret: the cost of acquiring a new customer is significantly higher than the costs to incur to bring them back. You convinced him once, he needs your products or services and adheres to your project. How to retain a customer and sell more in e-commerce? Here are some tips to get them to come back to your site:

  • create a newsletter : you can communicate on your latest blog articles, news in the store;
  • Animate your social networks: a useful post on Facebook can bring you a few clicks, improve the presence of your store and encourage a few customers to come back to shop. In short, the customer does not forget you;
  • Offer a gift: whether physical or digital, purely advertising or not, the present is essential in commerce as in any human relationship. It allows you to create a reciprocal relationship and shows your customer that you value them. If you want advice, think of a useful everyday gift that doesn’t end up in a closet or in the trash;
  • Send promotions and special offers.

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