Home Startup Complete Guide Of How Do You Start A Blog?

Complete Guide Of How Do You Start A Blog?

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how to start a blog

Blogging for beginners: A blog is a website type that mostly focuses on written material. Often bloggers write from a personal point of view that enables them to immediately connect with their audience. Furthermore, most blogs feature a “comments” area where you may give feedback to the blogger. Interacting in the comments area with your visitors helps to build the relationship between the blogger and the reader.

The good news is that the internet is now expanding, and the digital divide is reducing every day. There are more individuals online than ever. This burst of growth implies that your blog will have more prospective viewers. Briefly, when you think of beginning a blog, there is no better moment than starting a blog free right away!

To Begin A Blog

How to become a blogger? A blog may be fantastic to start. But the reality is, for everyone with the proper direction, it is possible. We are here to assist you through every step, from selecting your domain name to posting the first one, Steps mention below how to start a blog for free.

  • Select The Name Of A Domain & Get It For Free

How to set up a blog? You first create a blog by selecting a domain name. Selecting the domain name is the very first step into how to create a blog. Now the next step is of getting the domain name for free. This may be one of the most exciting aspects to start with a blog; it is so rushed when you have the URL you want and can purchase it immediately.

But, if there is no alternative, it might be difficult to come up with another domain that seems correct if someone else uses that URL. After all, the domain of your blog is a permanent home for your blog on the Internet!

If you decide to go a different route with your URL, this may easily be changed down the line. The key element is not to select the perfect domain. A variant of your name is one of the finest locations to start with. As a writer, in particular, because you’re your brand. No matter how your hobbies change over time, your name will never be out of vogue.

You may also visit Bluehost directly and purchase your domain if you feel comfortable with your decision. You could find it with another ending, such as your name. co or yourname.io if your.com is not available. You may even try attaching a “writer” at the end of your name, such as susanshainwriters.com.

Once the domain (or domains, when you’re like many of us writer entrepreneurs!) is established, don’t wait to purchase it. Even if you’re not prepared to open a blog at the moment, the domains will be affordable — and you will not risk losing that one.

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  • Buy A Bundle Of Hosting

What is a web host? The hosting provider performs all the technological magic to make sure that when visitors put your domain name into their browser, your website displays. This is rather significant, in other words. Try Bluehost to make a blog. This is utilized by prominent bloggers worldwide and is famous for its dependability and customer service.

  • Install WordPress

You have several other blogging platform choices, but we prefer WordPress. It’s not just completely free, but also easy to use, provides a wide range of topics and a wealth of plugins, making blogging accessible to anyone. You may log in to your blog and start making it seem beautiful when you have finished it.

  • Put Your Website In “Maintenance” Mode

You may wish to post an “under construction” notice to welcome visitors while you’re working on the design of your blog. You don’t want potential customers or readers to find a semi-finished website.

Download different plugins to set up maintenance mode. You could also put a link to your email or social media profiles on your maintenance page so that people may contact you in an alternate method.

  • Choose A Theme And Create Your Blog

Your blog requires a face. The first thing is design and layout. It is thrilling and very simple to install a new WordPress theme. Click on the “Themes” tab inside the WordPress table. Some common alternatives are provided to you. You may search for free themes by clicking the WordPress.org Themes icon. On WordPress.org, there are over 3,000 themes available.

Your new blog’s design and feel are based on your theme. You will notice the entire appearance of your first-time readers before you even glance at the content. Choose a topic that looks amazing, but that also suits your particular demands.

Here is a simple method to select your subject by searching the dashboard for WordPress:

  • Refer to the description

In most subjects, characteristics and functioning are described briefly. You may find out if the subject meets your needs by reading it.

  • Theme Preview

View the theme to get a sense of the general appearance, design, and customizability.

  • Verify the ratings

In the preview and the thread information, star ratios will be available to give you a clear indication of how well the theme is.

Don’t worry, if you can’t locate a theme you adore. Relax with the one you prefer, and in the future, you may constantly alter it. Don’t be shocked after you install a theme if it doesn’t look very well yet. It’s only a blog skeleton. You will need to populate it with information to make it attractive (text, photos, videos, etc.). That’s how to make a living blogging.

  • Write Pages For Your Blog

Although you’re starting your blog, you still want a few pages, which won’t alter, rather than a static website. Pages are different from the posts that are entries you submit on your blog every day/week/month. Some pages you might like to build are as follows:


The page is often referred to as one of the most popular blog sites, so don’t ignore it. Include a brief and professional biography and explain why you blog and why you should take care of the reader and how are you able to aid your readers.


You would like your readers to contact you, right? Then a connection page is required.

You needn’t be amazed; simply inform your readers how to get to you best. Do not post your whole email address here, since spambots can gain access to it. You may use a contact form plugin.


It’s your blog, so what you have to do is flaunt! Demonstrate through samples of your past and present works for your prospective clients and readers who merit their time and attention.


Do you have a list of favorite tools for writing? Or maybe you were influenced by books? Readers enjoy source pages and may also be a smart method for bloggers to generate revenue from affiliate sales.


This page is important if you use your new blog to market your writing blogs skills. Be explicit about how you can help and how you can contact individuals. Only make sure that they are easily accessible from the homepage while you are configuring all your pages. You may 

have to change your menus if they’re not displayed.


How To Make A Blog And Make Money?

How to start a blog and make money: The method of monetization is to translate your blog into income. It’s not just about generating money, you must keep it in mind. It’s about generating helpful material and crafting blog articles to get people back for more.

Think about adding material that generates future revenue when beginning a blog. We’ve found that particular types of material operate more effectively for the generation of money through our blogging experience.

Here are some sorts of material to write and contribute to the blog:

  • Listicles or top list
  • Manuals and tutorials
  • Reviews of product
  • Comparisons of products

Now, let me show you a few ways bloggers generate money.

  • Run Your Blog With Advertisements

You may put advertisements on your site without any problems. You may choose ads related to what you want to write on or advertisements that are just more appropriate to your advertiser, regardless of your specialization.

Some of the prominent options for blog advertisements are Google Adsense, Mediavine, and Adthrive.

  • Register For Affiliate Programmes

Membership programs are methods to partner up with merchants to market their products and benefit from successful commission sales.

Some things you need to look at when you sign up for affiliate programs:

  • You are heavily dependent on the number of visits to the affiliate sales.
  • To click your links, you must be reputable enough for your visitors.
  • You might try adding an advisory to the affiliate links on your Terms of Use page.

A few famous web networks, for instance, Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and ClickBank are available for affiliates if you wish to start.

  • Sell Your Services & Products

You may want to use your blog as a place to market your products and services if you are creative and enterprising. This is a possibility especially when the publicity, authority, and popularity of your blog are growing. You may integrate into a blog and start selling items online blog utilizing WordPress plugins, like the WooCommerce plugin.

  • Sell Sponsored Posts

Advertisers are constantly seeking a sponsored article on your site and are prepared to pay you for it. These postings often promote advertising items or services and are an excellent method for your site to generate money. In the future, the advertisers will be able to approach you to publish their content if you can establish and become a successful blog in your field.

Start Blogging For Free With The Best Free Sites

  • LinkedIn



Probably this one is the most renowned name in the market. When you examine which of the free blogging sites to use, Linkedin is not the first option for most individuals. That stated, it deserves a great deal of attention! Two primary reasons: technologies that are straightforward to use and the pre-existing community.

The second point about LinkedIn – the audience – is that those are very focused users, professionals, and company owners. What’s wonderful about LinkedIn? More than 30 million companies are engaged on LinkedIn. It has been revealed. And for the sake of it, they aren’t simply there. 

Other figures suggest that the platform is one of the main sources used by 94% of B2B marketers. Linkedin is the most professional platform if you want to know how to start a blog.

In short, LinkedIn functions just as a platform for visibility, making it one of the finest free blogging sites of all. Publishing on LinkedIn is straightforward from a technological point of view. Just utilize the ‘start a post’ widget at the top of your page to your LinkedIn feed. Click on the ‘Write a LinkedIn article’ to access the full-screen editing box to convert your status to the complete post with LinkedIn you can start a free blog.

  • Blogger


Although it has been popular over recent years, Blogger is one of the oldest free blog platforms. It is a strong option for personal blogs, but it is not the greatest professional resource. It operates like the other host platforms: you must first register an account to utilize it. Blogger is the oldest answer to how to start a blog.

You have to select a preset theme after creating it (which is straightforward) and start writing down your thoughts. This platform features a Google+ interface and the publisher appears like a Word page. Blogger offers a range of topics, each with diverse skins, sophisticated color filtering, and numerous minimalistic gadgets (aka widgets). 

However, nothing is overly elaborate or any advanced design adaptation. Blogger offers simplistic choices to appear, thus the attention on the written portion is more important. A wonderful feature of this website is that ad spots are included in the pieces of content.

  • Tumblr


Tumblr is one of the first free blogging websites. It is only a little ‘moderate’ than the rest. This one here is more focused on multimedia or social media material rather than the rest of the platforms which are generally for publication purposes. Tumblr’s UI is more fun and easier to get started – you can just register and then you can start posting. Tumblr is an advanced platform for how to start a blog.

It also supports several post forms for different kinds of material, just like a conventional blogging platform. The issue about Tumblr is that it is just for personal use and if you had business-related goals, it would not be a good answer. It is simple, provides minimal customization choices, and has, as we stated before a more social media atmosphere.

  • Weebly


Weebly is a different build blog that you may use not only for blogging but also for selling or displaying your website. It’s a little comparable to Wix because it offers drag and drops elements to a WYSIWYG editor. You may easily drag and customize a button on the page if you want to add a specific button. 

The customization feature is true for picture galleries, slideshows, and other multimedia items. Weebly offers sidebars, media boxes, forms, ad spots, social media icons, subscriptions to newsletters, etc. In addition, the platform offers integrated statistics and allows you to utilize your domain (for which you need to pay).

  • Medium

how to start a blog- medium

Medium is a multifunctional website that tackles many themes where anyone may post an account. The major benefit of Medium is, contrary to most other free blogging platforms, that your posts will expose your audience because 60 million people visit the platform each month (and the number increases every year). It’s extremely easy to use — just register and begin writing pretty much.

These are the easiest steps how to start a blog and make money.

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The Bottom Line Of How To Start A Blog

Bloggers frequently write personally, enabling them to connect to their audience straight away. Moreover, many blogs include also a part “comments” where readers may match the blogger. The interaction between the blogger and the reader helps to strengthen the connection between the visitor and the comments area. 

This immediate link to the reader is one of the primary advantages of a blog started. This link allows you to interact with other like-minded people and share ideas. You can also create confidence with your readers.

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