Home health How Contaminated Water is Damaging Your Health?

How Contaminated Water is Damaging Your Health?

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Good health not only depends on how much your water intake is but also on the type of water you are consuming. Pollution can contaminate a water source, resulting in human health issues such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. According to a study by WHO, contaminated water consumption leads to several health issues such as diarrhoea, black foot disease, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio.

The most contaminated source to be found nowadays is tap water.  Tap water that has been chemically treated or hard in nature can be pretty bad for your health and skin. It is essential to have a water purifier for home to safeguard your skin, hair, and overall health of your body by having access to clean and pure water devoid of harmful substances.

 What is Contaminated Water and why is it harmful?

Before it reaches your tap, typical disinfection chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine are frequently added to treat the water.  Poor management of urban, industrial, and agricultural wastewater results in severely contaminated or chemically poisoned drinking water for hundreds of millions of people. Let’s talk about the two primary components of tap water that are harming your skin and hair.


In India, the principal sources of tap water are river water, groundwater, or water from large reservoirs. This water contains pollutants such as dirt and bacteria. Municipalities and other water suppliers use chlorine to disinfect water and eliminate bacteria. By removing potentially fatal microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, chlorine makes water free from diseases However, at the same time, chlorine-infused water can affect your health.

Hard Water

Hard water is a type of water that is blended with high mineral concentrations. The two major components of hard water are calcium and magnesium. The tap water delivered to your home occasionally contains hard water in addition to fluoride and chlorine. Iron, copper, zinc, and other naturally occurring minerals could also be present. Although minerals like calcium, magnesium, and copper are thought to be beneficial for health, consuming them inadequately can harm your immunity.

Importance of water purifier usage in your home

Now we will talk about reasons why you shouldn’t compromise on consuming clean and healthy water and it is crucial to have a water purifier for home for water purification:

  • Consuming clean and purified water helps you to maintain a steady body temperature. Consuming enough water safeguards your spinal cord and other delicate structures. Water keeps your body clean.
  • Clean water works as the primary source of nutrition. Water promotes organ health by allowing the blood to keep the consistency required for it to circulate freely and convey oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body.
  • Purified water is also beneficial for building immunity and overall health. Clean water along with the goodness of Copper has healing features, which eventually makes copper-based water purifiers effective. Pureit Copper UV Plus Water Purifier offers you copper-enriched water 24×7. Integrated with Mineral Essence Technology, Pureit Copper UV Plus gives your family hygienic drinking water by adding back the essential minerals naturally present in the water. This purifier also includes the best-in-class UV lamp to filter the water to the core and 100% of the water passes through the UV exposer and you get absolutely safe and clean water to drink. This range comes with ample storage and 5 years of warranty that makes it the finest among the market standards.
  • As we mentioned earlier, many illnesses occur because of contaminated water. Clean water is crucial not only for disease prevention but also for overall health.
  • Clean, fresh, and safe water also aids in the removal of toxins from the body, whether they are produced by bodily processes, obtained from outside sources, or caused by the ingestion of polluted water.
  • Clean water is required not only for drinking but also for sanitation. Hygienic water is essential for cooking and other related jobs that are essential to our daily life. Clean water is an absolute necessity for optimum health.

Final Thoughts

And when it comes to taking care of you and your family, who knows it better than Pureit? The Vital series of Pureit got it all. This range comes with an innovative FiltraPower technology that effectively does not allow any excess Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in water to pass through. It also removes viruses, bacteria, and toxic substances like industrial chemicals, and pathogens. Powered with ECO Recovery that ensures high water saving, its sediment and carbon filters remove harmful pesticides and absorb bad taste odour-causing organic compounds from water. Thus, providing you with water that is not just clean or mineral enhanced but tasty too.

On top of that, this range includes a Smartsense Indicator which informs you 15 days before when the filter needs to be changed. All these features make this the perfect range of water purifiers for home.

Check out the Pureit Vital Series and Copper range online to have a smooth shopping experience.

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