Home health Fenbendazole, a worm-expelling medication that can cure cancer in humans

Fenbendazole, a worm-expelling medication that can cure cancer in humans

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Since the 1970s, fenbendazole has been used as an anthelmintic medication for dogs to treat worm infections which are parasitic. But several peer-reviewed reports and studies have published and provided case reports concerning the ability of fenbendazole to aggressively treat tumors in humans. The facts are highlighted in the points provided below which establish a valid distinction between fenbendazole and other treatments used for chemotherapy.

Numerous scientific reports exist to back up and establish the effectiveness of fenbendazole in treating a couple of significant human cancers.

For instance, reports have indicated that using fenbendazole on its own can effectively help to reverse tumors in individuals suffering from significant B-cell lymphoma,  carcinoma in renal cell, metastatic cancer, as well as bladder cancer.

According to reports, the side effects of consuming fenbendazole are minimal which makes it safe for human use.

It has a relatively cheap cost of production and

It can be easily purchased from local pharmacists and stores.

Nevertheless, a report from our article; “How does fenbendazole work” indicated that fenbendazole as well as other plant alkaloids from the Taxol group that are majorly used for chemotherapy have a similar action on tumors. Additionally, as a result of this unique action and excellent safety profile, the level of toxicity from the use of fenbendazole is much lower than most medications utilized for treating cancer.

After a little research and clinical trials, specific attributes and patterns have revealed that the main cause of most cancers is linked to the presence of parasites, bacteria, and viruses.

 As a matter of fact, this is usually the finding in most of the cancer cases out there, especially when the cancer-causing element is in an environment that aids its growth without obstruction such as genes, compromised immune systems, and so on.

This is why the using medications that can fight these parasites, worms, and bacteria is usually recommended when considering cancer treatment options for both comprehensive and conventional methods.

Fenbendazole in humans

Fenbendazole is quite different from mebendazole which is meant for human use. Fenbendazole is a medication originally meant for treating parasites and worms like roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm, and whipworm in birds, fishes, and other mammals. 

Fenbendazole for human cancer can be easily found and sold under the brands – SafeGuard and Panacur. Several years ago, we discovered this drug during one of our researches. We also became interested in it once again when a man testified to the efficacy of the medication in the treatment of small cell cancer of the lungs.

Afterward, this man created a website as well as a page on Facebook to document his experience and that of others who have also enjoyed a similar recovery  using this medication for various cancer types like stage four pancreatic cancer, melanoma, prostate cancer,  nonsmall cell lung cancer,  colorectal cancer and many more.

Medications from the benzimidazole family have shown to be effective against cancer and this claim has been supported and demonstrated by these recent reports. This is why we believe that using drugs like fenbendazole and mebendazole for cancer treatment is among the possible effective options.

Indeed, a few studies have considered mebendazole less potent than fenbendazole. For example, research demonstrated that compared to mebendazole, fenbendazole is the best option for treating Cryptococcus neoformans, a popular fungus that is perhaps the cause of Cryptococcus meningitis of most individuals.

Additionally, apart from most research papers suggesting that fenbendazole has been effective in fighting tumors in individuals suffering from cancer, a report stated that fenbendazole has been able to fight cancer by acting as a destabilizing agent to microtubules and modulates several cellular pathways which eventually leads to cancer death.

Combining this hypothesis with our previous discovery has revealed that fenbendazole helps to prevent the development and spread of malignant cells and tumors, which makes it a possible therapeutic option that can restrict several cellular pathways that causes the death of malignant cells.

According to the writers of the report, fenbendazole fights cancer cells by not only disrupting the microtubule mechanism and the growth of the malignant cells, but by inhibiting the transfer of sugar which in the long run causes their death. The GLUT 4 (glucose transporter isoform 4) expression is reduced by fenbendazole. Typically, glucose is absorbed via intracellular vesicles into plasma membrane which results in the stimulation of the absorbed glucose. The disruption of this absorption during the linear movement along the microtubule as a result of introducing fenbendazole restricts the movement of GLUT4, which will result in the limited uptake of insulin-stimulated glucose. Although the action of fenbendazole on tubulin is similar to colchicine, its activity cannot be compared with that of vinca alkaloids which makes it different from other chemotherapy options. However, fenbendazole, like most compounds in the benzimidazole family can improve the efficacy of treating various cancer options like surgery, berberine, sodium dichloroacetate (DCA), radiotherapy, and so on.

Combining this discovery alongside a recent scientific report indicates that the genome p53 can be reactivated by fenbendazole. The genome p53 typically functions as a suppressor of tumor, although some cancers are usually resistant to this suppression.

Also, Nature Paper reports that combining fenbendazole with DCA for chemotherapy is very effective against cancer.

Is fenbendazole an ideal choice for humans?

Even though the original function of fenbendazole for sale is to expel worms and parasites in animals, the European Medicine Agency indicated in a report that humans consuming fenbendazole seem to experience little or no side effects (A single dose of about 2000mg/individual or 500mg/individual for 10 days consecutively).

Although there is yet to be any documentation on the effect of long exposure to the medication. We can link this to the effectiveness of this drug, as it can help eliminate symptoms within two weeks.

Even with this, many individuals utilize fenbendazole to prevent the reversal of cancer or use it as a standard treatment for chemotherapy. Using fenbendazole has shown to be without any known side effects.


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