Home Technology 5 tricks that you should know if you are a working mother

5 tricks that you should know if you are a working mother

by admin

Are you a woman who works? Are you a busy woman? If you are a mother and you have a job – you already have a job just to be the mother of a small child even if you don’t work outside the home – you know it’s better than anyone how difficult it is to achieve everything every day and almost every hour.

These 5 tricks you should know if you are a working mother can help to “emerge unscathed” from challenges and sacrifices that involve becoming a mother and work: At first glance they look trivial but it is difficult to make sure you can do the following 5 points perfect. Be sure to read the 5 tricks below slowly.

Pay attention to these tricks if you are a working mother

1. Plan this week. Mother, and in general women have children or not, have a special ability to organize. Only the organization is more difficult, the more children you have because you have to think for and for more than one. Even if you have a good memory, planning throughout the week – including weekends – on an agenda or mobile application is basic help not only to not forget anything, but also to reduce stress levels to achieve everything.

2. Know how to delegate. Often mothers take care of too many things related to their children and home, in some cases because of the lack of collaboration from their partners and in other cases because they prefer not to delegate tasks that are the responsibility of both. Knowing how to delegate and share responsibility with your father is the best for everyone.

3. Sleep as needed. Like almost everyone, this is advice that is easier to give than to obey, especially if the children are small and wake up several times at night. But sleeping between 7 and 8 hours, if possible, will allow you to face the next day with more strength and not accumulate the usual maternal fatigue with small children. If you don’t have good quality sleep, you will find some difficulties that can actually be overcome if you are in top shape.

4. Previous schedule. Time habits are important for everyone, but even more so when you have children. First of all, for them, they mainly need adequate hours of food and sleep, but also by father and mother. If we bathe children late, they will also eat late and sleep more slowly. So a good trick is to advance as many schedules at home as possible, especially at night, to win at rest. Delay is a serious problem for every mother because it has the potential to disrupt all plans that have been prepared.

5. Take time for you. Being a mother and working outside the home minimizes free time, but if possible you should try to take time for yourself, in this case for yourself, and clear your mind for a while about problems from day to day with some kind of physical activity and with several hobbies. Even though we already know that you don’t need to be told how difficult it is. In the end, being a mother is always difficult but we can make it easier if we want to.Enlightened? To get a broader perspective you can check the infographic. Hopefully this article gives enlightenment to you and is also useful for improving your quality as a mother and a woman. Thank you for reading!

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