Home Lifestyle 3 Things That Will Make the Living Room Look Expensive

3 Things That Will Make the Living Room Look Expensive

by admin

Interior gurus know how to transform a space easily and with minimum costs. And you can have fun easily and with a minimum of 20Bet.


And today we will tell you a couple of life hacks in design.


The fastest and most effective way to transform the interior is through textile solutions: curtains, blankets, and pillows. Textiles can be designed on a single scale with the interior — then the volume is created due to different shades and textures. Natural textures of linen, cotton, and wool are especially relevant now.

Modern Carpet

It is important to choose the right size canvas. It should not cover the entire floor completely — leave some air.


It is good if the shape of the carpet will echo the furniture. For example, if it is round, then it is better to lay a round or oval canvas. The carpet can contrast with the color of the furniture or match it in tone. In the latter case, you should choose a slightly different shade so that the objects do not merge.

Custom Decor

Instead of overloading the interior with a lot of figurines, vases, and posters from the mass market, it is better to use a couple of more expensive, but non-standard elements. Whether it’s a modern abstract panel, an author’s painting, or a laconic composition on a coffee table.


In the designers’ projects, you can see combinations of two or three vases: empty, with dried flowers, or with green twigs. Candles are often added to them. Three items are enough.


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