Home Service 6 Carpet Cleaning Myths That You Need To Know

6 Carpet Cleaning Myths That You Need To Know

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Carpet cleaning

Despite the advent of contemporary technology, there are numerous misunderstandings regarding carpet cleaning that have persisted over time. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most common urban legends, along with the reasons why they’re no longer true.

1) “Carpet cleaning should not be done regularly because the more you clean it, the faster it becomes dirty.”

True, but because dirt is abrasive, dirt is crushed into the carpet fibers every time you walk on it, causing damage. A dirty carpet will need to replace before a clean one. Vacuuming will not keep a carpet free of grease and fine grains, which contribute to the carpet’s wear and tear.

2) “Carpet cleaning should only be done when it appears unclean.”

No, you’d wash your clothes after you’ve worn them, even if they appear to be clean. Pollens, fungus, germs, and air pollution such as cigarette smoke, car exhaust fumes, and hundreds of other substances can all be found in carpets. These can transport from the outdoors to your carpet by your hair, skin, clothing, and shoes.

Pollens, fungi, and chemicals in your carpet can aggravate allergies and respiratory problems.

3) “All carpet cleaning procedures produce the same outcome.”

Dry cleaning and hot water extraction are the two most common ways.

dry cleaning (a) (This differs from dry-cleaning clothing in that all carpet cleaning processes, whether dry-foam, dry-chemical or dry compound, require water in some form or another.)

Your carpet shampoo and allowed to dry before vacuum to remove the foam and any adherent dirt with dry foam. This procedure is ineffective and can leave a soil-attracting residue on the carpet.

The dry chemical method is similar to the dry foam method, except that it uses a rotary machine with a cloth to wipe the carpet and absorb the dirt. On a bigger scale, it’s the same as someone using a spot cleaner and a towel. This procedure also fails to provide a thorough clean and can harm carpet fibers.

For lightly stained carpets, these dry carpet cleaning methods may be sufficient.

The dry compound method involves applying an absorbent compound to the carpet. The machine brushes into the carpet fibers to absorb dirt. When the compound is dry, it vacuumed away, similar to the dry foam approach. But significantly more successful in removing dirt and residues.

(b) Hot water extraction (sometimes known as “steam cleaning,” albeit this term is misleading).

A strong machine injects a high-pressure hot water cleaning solution into the carpet fibers, which are subsequently removed. For the most effective clean, its deep cleaning action totally penetrates every fiber, absorbing practically all of the moisture pushed into the carpet, as well as soil and residues.

Hot water extraction or carpet steam cleaning is recommended by the world’s top carpet maker. Another fallacy is that hot water will not damage the carpet. As with bathing, laundry, and dishwashing, the most effective approach to cleaning carpets is to wash and rinse them with hot water.

4) “Anyone with the necessary tools can achieve it.”

This is obviously not the case. It’s also crucial to have the right training and experience. Many cleaning companies have hot-water cleaners. But some personnel have little or no training on how to properly utilize them. As a result, it’s critical to pick a carpet cleaning in Geelong service carefully.

5) “The cheapest price is always the best value.”

There are two key elements to keep in mind: the bids are for the same service, and the advertised price is the price you will pay.

(a) Comparative quotes are for services that are identical.

You are certainly conducting research while you read this. Decide what you need to achieve before inviting a firm to provide a quote.

If you need a rapid surface clean, for example, numerous companies offer shampoos or other cleaning solutions, or you can rent a machine to perform the job for you.

If you want your carpet deep-cleaned to remove dirt, bacteria, pollen, chemicals, and other residues, the cleaning company should ideally provide a quote for using a professional hot water extraction system, which is the best way to keep your carpet free of dirt and abrasive chemicals.

(b) Double-check that the listed pricing is for the services you seek.

Homeowners have been the victims of deceptive advertising in the past. Here, the amount they charge is higher than the price advertised in the advertisement or brochure. Some carpet cleaners advertise a low price, such as £9.99 per room, in order to persuade a potential customer to pay more once they are in your home.

6) “An honest business can give you a quote over the phone.”

An estimate can give ‘sight unseen,’ but each job is likely to have different requirements. So, should an honest company pressure into quoting for the shortest anticipated service or to account for unforeseen difficulties?

Reputable carpet cleaning companies frequently price jobs based on the square footage of carpet. It may be possible to get a quote over the phone if a potential customer knows the exact number of square feet to clean. Subject to confirmation when the professional cleaner arrives on site.

Other things to take into account are:

(a) The carpet’s type. Some carpets require more time to clean than others.

(b) How much soiling there is? Carpets that have accumulated dirt over a long period of time will take longer to clean than carpets that clean every few months. Any stains that may require special attention should also consider.

(c) The amount of furniture to relocate.

Unfortunately, some cleaners are inexperienced or lack pride in their work. Remember to hire a reputable cleaning service.

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