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What do you need to know before writing your dissertation?

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When writing a dissertation, it is important to follow certain steps to help you organize your thoughts and write more professionally. The tips given below will help you in organizing the content of your dissertation so that it becomes easy for readers to understand the ideas presented in it.

Always start with the question.

To be successful in your dissertation, you must remember that it is the question that will guide everything. The question is what you will answer, your reader’s interest, and even the structure of your dissertation. 

Start by writing down what you want to write about. You should be able to answer this question and any others that might arise from it (for example: ‘why do I need this particular topic?’). Write down all possible answers until you arrive at the one that satisfies you and any others who may read it – but make sure this answer sounds relevant and interesting!

Start writing the dissertation from the beginning.

It’s tempting to start writing the dissertation from the middle, but this is not the best strategy. 

  • First, you should have a good idea of what your research proposal is going to be. It may take some time for this statement to develop, so don’t worry if it doesn’t immediately come to mind after reading through your research material. You can always get help from research proposal writers at Research Prospect
  • Next, write an introduction that explains why you chose this topic and how it fits with other work. Try writing a few paragraphs about each chapter before moving on. 
  • Finally (and possibly most importantly), make sure that when it comes down to starting drafting chapters – whether theoretical or empirical – then remember: never go back and revise earlier sections without having completed all three parts first!

Outline the structure of your dissertation

The most important part of writing a dissertation is outlining the structure of your dissertation. It will help you to design a work plan, allocate enough time for each section, and also produce an outline that is easy to understand.

Before you start to write the dissertation, consider what your research question is and how it can be answered:

  • What are the main points of your argument? (e.g., introduction, literature review, methods)
  • How would you answer them? (e.g., data analysis)
  • If necessary, what literature do you need for each point?

Explain any unfamiliar terms in your dissertation

It is important to define every term in your dissertation that may be unfamiliar to the readers. If you mention a new concept, explain it before using it in the text. This will help your readers understand why you mention these terms and relate to your research topic. Create a glossary at the end of your dissertation for those who do not have extensive knowledge about this subject area.

Make your dissertation multidisciplinary.

To incorporate more than one type of research, you must choose a topic that lends itself well to qualitative and quantitative research.

The following are some examples of topics where you can use both qualitative and quantitative methods:

  • The effect of social media on the mental health of young people. You could undertake focus groups with young people who have experienced issues with their mental health to explore the impact social media has had on them. Then, use surveys (either online or face-to-face) to establish whether there is an association between the two.
  • The effect of positive affirmation on memory capacity over time. This would be based on numerous empirical studies showing that positive affirmations enhance memory recall; however, these findings have not been published yet, so it would be useful for your dissertation if you were able to conduct some original research around this area and present your findings as new evidence for its effectiveness in improving memory performance over time.

Do not copy someone else’s style of writing.

Writing research is not easy. It requires time and effort to ensure you have all the necessary information before writing. You may think it is better to copy someone’s work, but it is always better to write in your voice. When you write your dissertation, focus on what they are saying and how they use words effectively in their dissertations. You can read several samples and take notes as they relate to what you want to say. 

Do a final proofread. 

Proofreading is a crucial part of the writing process. You may have written an excellent dissertation, but if you don’t proofread it and make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors, it will not be as good as it could be. It’s always best to have someone else proofread your work, too – preferably someone who knows what they are talking about in dissertation writing. 


These are some of the tips that can help you to write a well-written dissertation. These tips will help you to organize your thoughts and make them clearer for readers.

Author Bio

Owen Ingram is a research-based content writer. He has worked in various healthcare, technology, Education , and finance industries. He is currently working as a writer in Research Prospect, famous for dissertation writing services and Report writing services. When Owen is not writing or researching, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also loves travelling and learning about new cultures.

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