Home Technology QloudHost Review – Best offshore VPS Hosting Provider

QloudHost Review – Best offshore VPS Hosting Provider

by Wesley_Hornbeck

After the internet boom, people have realised the potential of information and how powerful it can be when used appropriately!! But as you may already be aware of it, in the past decades, it has become really tough to protect your identity on the internet, especially when you are hosting a website!! 

Because the hosting industry puts multiple restrictions on their clients, causing data to be stolen and violating freedom of speech. 

But these are problems!! Is there any solution available in the market which can respect our privacy and freedom of speech? Well, yes, it has a solution, and we were also looking for it when we landed on QloudHost!! 😇 Claiming to be one of the best offshore hosting providers, so we decided to try it and share our personal experience with you here in this QloudHost review. 

So without any further delay, let’s get started!! 😃

About QloudHost

QloudHost has been established with a mission to ensure that everyone can make their online presence without compromising their privacy or anonymity!! All thanks to their powerful features, which allow them to claim so!! 

Don’t worry we have discussed their features in detail in the further sections. But for now, let’s talk about their brand. As you can see in the image attached below, QloudHost claims to be one of the best DMCA ignored hosting providers in the market!! 

But hey!! We have mentioned above that QloudHost is an offshore hosting provider, are they both different services? Well, don’t worry, we have explained that in-depth in the next section. 

So let’s dive into it!! 

DMCA ignored hosting provider vs Offshore hosting provider 

See!! Both are technically the same thing. But how? Well, before jumping on DMCA ignored hosting or offshore hosting service, let’s first understand the DMCA law!! 

DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act which empowers the states to criminalise any act of violating copyright or intellectual property right!! And those companies which help you to bypass DMCA laws are called DMCA ignored hosting providers. 

And how do they do that? Simple by building their data centers on offshore locations!! Wait, what is this now? See!! Not all countries follow DMCA law, few allow you to build your DMCA ignored servers on their land, and these countries are called offshore locations. 

That’s why sometimes DMCA ignored hosting providers are also called offshore hosting providers!! 

Speed Test and Analysis

Now coming back to our review!! So to analyse its service’s quality we conducted some tests and analysis so that we can understand better about the performance we will experience with our website!! 

Server Uptime

We started with uptime first!! For those who are not aware of the uptime. It helps you to determine the availability of your website on the internet. For example, if you have one year plan with a 100% uptime guarantee, then your website will not face any downtime for the entire year. 

So when we conducted our test, we found some really satisfying results, as you can see in the image attached below, its server uptime resulted as 100%, which is a really impressive uptime. 

Note: Uptime depends upon various factors, so we conducted it multiple times to calculate the average uptime, and we found it as 99.9% uptime. 

Page Speed Test

But as you know, uptime is enough to ensure quality hence we have conducted a speed test to check how fast our website will be on the internet when hosted on their servers!! We tested it on GTmatrix a well-known loading test platform. 

As you can see in the image attached below, GTmetrix awarded our website with A grade along with 99% performance which really impressive result. In addition, GTmetrix read the first content paint of our website in just 516ms which really fast!! Get started with qloudhost optimized offshore Server now. 

Security Analysis

But what about security? We will discuss it here in this section vy mentioning the security feature included in their plans. And they are as follows. 

Anti-DDoS Equipped servers: DDoS Attacks are intended to dry up all your resources with rushed attacks of fake users or bots. But QloudHost has protected its servers with powerful anti-DDoS to ensure your security.

Firewalls: They have also equipped their servers with high-quality firewalls to protect your website’s data against all kinds of cyber threats such as malware, script injection attack and much more. 

Encrypted network communication: QloudHost provides a free of cost SSL certificate to protect your website against any unauthorised. 

Customer Support

 But what if you stuck in between your journey? No problem because QloudHost has built a dedicated team of technical experts which works 24*7 to support you at every stage of your journey and provide you with instant solution for your errors. 

You can contact them anytime via the below mentioned modes. 

  • Live Chat 
  • Ticket 
  • Emai 

Key Features of QloudHost

We have mentioned below some of its key features that will help you understand the complete picture of whether it will be suitable for your website or not. 

Full privacy assurance: QloudHost minimises your identity visibility on the internet to protect your privacy. 

Latest hardware equipments: It uses the best quality hardware equipments to ensure you get optimum performance for your websites such as high loading speed, better uptime and much more. 

Full root access: To ensure you can enjoy the entire power of your servers, QloudHost provides you services with full root access. 

Money back guarantees: If you didn’t find it service satisfying, then you can cancel its services anytime within 30 days and get full refund without any additional charges. 

Pros and Cons

Despite its features are amazing still not everything about it can only good, right? That’s why we have mentioned some of its major pros and cons that will provide you the complete picture about its service’s quality. 


  • Excellent customer support 
  • Top-notch security 
  • High-quality features 
  • Best-in-class server infrastructure 


  • No call support available

Plans and prices 

Everything things seems to be good!! So let’s now jump on their service’s price to understand the worth of their services. We have attached an image of their DMCA ignored dedicated server plans. 


Is QloudHost safe?

Yes, as far as we have analysed their services, we have found it quite safe and secure to be used, all thanks to their security features which ensure you protection against all kinds of cyber threats. 

Can I cancel QloudHost Services at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your services anytime within 30-days of you purchase in case you didn’t find its service satisfying or worth it. No additional charges will be applied!! 

Which type of websites I can host on QloudHost?

Since QloudHost is one of the best offshore hosting providers, it allows you to host all kinds of websites on their servers. No matter whether your website is DMCA ignored or a normal website!! 

Where QloudHost data centers are located 

QloudHost has built their servers on the best offshore locations possible to ensure your full anonymity and protect your privacy on the internet. 


So what do you think about it? See!! If you are running a DMCA ignored blog or business and want to maintain your anonymity and privacy on the internet, then believe it, QloudHost will be the best pick for you!! 

All thanks to its powerful DMCA ignored dedicated servers, which make you capable enough to host your website without losing your anonymity, which we tried to explain to you in this QloudHost review based on various tests and features. 

Hope you have find it helpful!!  

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