Home Technology LMS – learning management systems

LMS – learning management systems

LMS - learning management systems

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learning management systems

LMS (Learning Management Systems) or LMS (Learning Management System) is software that helps in the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of educational courses and training programs. An LMS is hosted on a server and uses a database to store, deliver, and manage all types of content, including videos, courses, and documents. The LMS also manages student-lecturer communication, student enrollment, course completion status, and grading.

LMS allows you to create e-learning content (lessons), structure knowledge into courses, deliver content, track student interaction with lesson materials.

There are many both paid and free LMS available. Of the free platforms, Module is popular, among the paid ones, the recognized leaders in the field are eLeaP learning management systems. Learning management systems providers offer a variety of service options, from customization to maintenance and administration.

Modern LMS include many features. Here are some of them:

  • Create and upload course content. LMS allows you to create course content and upload it to the platform in a variety of formats, including audio, video, multimedia, and documents.
  • User and course management. The system offers user registration management, adding tags, course administration, order management, and course assignment.
  • Communications management. The LMS can process all course messages and interested user notifications. For example, the platform is able to automatically send a notification to all registered users when a teacher uploads a new assignment.
  • Report management. lms meaning generates various reports, including student progress, grades, and student engagement.
  • Create and manage assessments. Learning systems simplify and automate the creation and management of assessments.

LMS Learning Management Systems allows you to develop learning materials and share them in real time. For example, a new product appeared in the assortment of a retail company, you described its features in a course and immediately assigned a course to all managers who will sell this product. 

LMS is three components:

  • Learning means learning. On the site, you can create a single database of electronic courses and training materials. You can upload audio, video, text materials, create tasks and use interactive tools.
  • Management translates as management. You can manage courses and students. Standard functionality allows you to open enrollment in courses, give access to certain sections and categories to different user groups. For example, employees in the sales department are assigned a course in sales, and employees in the marketing department are assigned in advertising. Management makes the learning process more efficient and coherent.
  • System is an electronic functionality that allows you to automate part of the educational and management processes. For example, it automatically records how much time an employee spends studying a course or how many points he scored on testing.

In the USA, the concept of LMS is often used – a distance learning system. Some consider LMS and LMS to be synonymous, but they are not the same. Initially, LMS was understood as distance learning, while LMS is a broader concept that includes online and offline courses.

Who uses LMS and why

The pandemic has affected the online education market. Since 2020, the popularity of distance learning as well as blended learning has grown. Companies face the same business challenges, but they use other tools to solve them – automated learning 


What tasks does LMS help solve?

  1. Adaptation of newcomers and quick onboarding
    Has a new employee come to the company? You can assign him an introductory course about the company and the upcoming work

  2. Regular staff development
    Do you want to make your employees experts? Train them regularly and improve their knowledge

  3. Carrying out attestation and certification
    Need to assess the level of knowledge of employees? Run remote testing

  4. Training of specialists and partners in remote branches
    Need to spread knowledge outside the office? Organize employees into groups on the LMS and assign them the appropriate courses

  5. Preparing training center
    clients Do you create information products and sell them to your clients? Place courses and provide access to those customers who have already paid.

Who uses LMS systems

Automation of the described processes is relevant for any business. For example, eLeaP LMS learning management systems service clients are: 

  • Banks, financial and legal companies, restaurant business
    The LMS functionality helps to organize the process of training specialists to work with clients in each of these industries

  • Training centers and education The
    service simplifies the organization of distance learning for any category of students. Unicraft has a lot of methodological content on launching online learning

  • Wholesales and retail networks
    LMS is well suited for mass training of salespeople, consultants, as well as specialists in logistics, accounting in 1C, quality control

  • Medicine, pharmaceuticals, network marketing, leisure organization
    All these categories of users can use the Unicraft service for effective training of sales managers

  • Business portals and outsourcing companies providing legal, accounting and other types of business development services. The system has ready-made templates that will help speed up the development of benefits for standard positions

  • Manufacturing companies
    LMS helps organize rapid training of engineers and workers. Using the system, you can remotely train a large number of users to improve the speed and quality of production and increase sales.

  • Construction Companies
    The LMS can be used to train measurers, installers and other professionals in the construction and maintenance industry. The result is improved service quality and increased sales.

  • Real Estate
    LMS Helps Real Estate Agencies Automate Realtor Training and Fast Onboarding

  • IT of the
    LMS company works on the basis of the cloud SaaS (software as a service) model. Users can install LMS on the server

  • Car
    services You can use the system for remote training of specialists in car dealerships and service companies, including in the structure of network enterprises

Types of LMS platforms

Each company or training center sets its own tasks by launching training in LMS – training of new specialists, retraining or classes for students. Depending on the goals set, it is necessary to choose a system that is suitable in terms of functionality.

Server LMS

Installed on the company’s server, often used in large training centers.

Cloud LMS

Platforms that work on the principle of a web service. Well suited for corporate training and personnel management. Pros – no need to install on the company’s server. Uncrate belongs to this kind of systems.

LMS with CMS integration

The platform is built into the CMS, which provides additional features that correspond to the functionality of a particular CMS. Suitable for online schools as well as private teachers.

Regardless of the site implementation technology, LMS will be useful in organizing training.

Benefits of Learning Management Systems

LMS has certain advantages over traditional teaching methods. New opportunities for companies :

  • Automate management tasks and routine processes, such as uploading and editing lessons, adding users to the site and assigning them to courses, sending notifications of assignments, and checking automated tests

  • Reduce costs and reduce time for training specialists – you can remotely train employees across the country without involving third-party specialists

  • Increase student engagement using gamification elements such as points, awards and medals

  • Reporting is one of the key functions of the system that helps track the effectiveness of training

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