Home Lifestyle How to Choose Durable Footwear for Your Travel

How to Choose Durable Footwear for Your Travel

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Traveling not only helps one’s well-being but also contributes a lot to a country’s gross domestic product (GDP). In fact, in 2021 alone, the worldwide GDP for traveling and tourism amounted to a total of a whopping 5.81 trillion dollars. This amount is already considered significant as the world is still recovering from the pandemic outbreak that happened in the fourth quarter of 2019.

However, although tourism’s global GDP contribution increased by 21.7% from its contribution in 2020, this amount is still nowhere near 2019’s global GDP contribution of 9.6 trillion dollars.

We can all agree that traveling is extremely hard during the pandemic. Until today. The effect of coronavirus is still evident as there are still a lot of requirements before we can travel, especially overseas.

Given all the hassle and struggle you might face in your traveling, it is highly suggested that travelers should wear something that is comfortable and sturdy. Especially if you plan on doing many adventures during your travel period.

If you plan on going to a ton of outdoor activities when you travel, it is a must that you’ll wear durable footwear that will last you years. But how will you know if the footwear is durable? In this article, we’ll find out.

Types of Durable Footwear in the Market

  • Tactical Boots

This footwear offers a wide variety of styles that could provide tactical boots for women, kids, and men of all ages. Waterproof or lightweight tactical boots are the most durable footwear you can bring in your travel adventures. Tactical boots are also versatile and could outlast hardcore physical activities you might want to do.

  • Lightweight Mountain Sneakers

Durable mountain sneakers are perfect if you want durable footwear that looks more casual and less loud than tactical boots. However, intense physical activities such as mountain or wall climbing might not be the ideal activities for this type of durable footwear.

  • Sports Flip-Flops

Sandals and flip-flops are best if you are just planning long walks to the beach. This footwear will also go with any outfit you might have in your luggage.

Choosing Durable Footwear: Things to Consider

In purchasing footwear with durability as the top priority, there are things you should consider and look for. While people have different fashion preferences, here are some pointers that everyone can use regardless of their tastes. Let’s get started.

  1. Consider the Place You Are Traveling To

Considering the place you are traveling to is the first step in choosing durable footwear. Are you visiting a sunny place or a rainy place? Maybe you are visiting a country during winter or perhaps fall? In buying footwear with durability in mind, the weather or climate in the place you are visiting is essential.

For example, you are visiting a sunny place like Africa. Most likely you are to visit the African savannas as you stay there. Thus, it is suggested that you pick durable shoes that are closed and made of rubber or lightweight fabric.

For instance, you might want to consider buying lightweight tactical boots. Now if you plan to visit freezing cold places like Alaska, then waterproof tactical boots are the better option. On the other hand, if you plan to visit the beaches, a pair of open rubber sandals are the best choice for you.

  1. Think About What You Want to Do In Your Travels

Knowing the activities you want to do during your travel is another thing to note when you are shopping for durable travel footwear. Do you plan to visit the bodies of water such as falls or lakes? Do you aim to climb up a mountain and hike a lot during your travel? Maybe you want to do extreme activities such as skydiving or paragliding.

The activities you want to do will affect the durability of the shoes you’ll buy. There are materials that aren’t made for specific physical activities, invalidating their durability when used incorrectly.

For instance, wearing durable sandals during a hiking or mountain climbing trip will significantly decrease the performance of the footwear as it isn’t really suitable for that activity. 

Instead, you can opt for tactical boots as they can also prevent your feet from being injured by sharp foreign objects such as tree branches or rocks. You can also consider buying rubber shoes if you plan on going for these activities.

  1. Check the Materials Used in the Footwear

Looking out for the materials used to make durable footwear is a must especially if you are planning to buy one that could last you for a really long time. There are different specialized materials used to make footwear durable.

For instance, there is waterproof clothing technology available to prevent your feet and shoes from being wet if you plan to cross rivers or streams. This technology is present mostly in tactical boots and sneakers.

There is also footwear made with lightweight technology where it claims that wearing it feels like wearing “air”. The aim of this innovation is to reduce the weight of the soles while keeping them sturdy and durable. Footwear with this technology is perfect when you are running, trekking, and climbing. This technology is usually seen in trainers and rubber shoes.

  1. Know Your Budget

Of course, in choosing durable footwear for your travel, it is also important to stay within your budget. Durable footwear is already expensive on its own. However, the prices will significantly increase when it incorporates specialized technology like the ones we have discussed earlier.

Setting a budget before you go out to the mall and buy will be the best thing to do. You can easily skim out the ones that are exceeding your budget and not consider them at all. After all, you would not want to spend a ton of money before your travel dates since you can eventually fall short during the trip.


Traveling has brought many people the inner peace and joy they are looking for. Thus, it is important to keep it that way and prevent all the hassles you might face as early as possible. In terms of footwear, make sure you are comfortable with what you are wearing. It is also a must to bring one that is durable and can withstand the activities you will want to do as you travel.

At the end of the day, nobody wants to drag a broken pair of shoes as they shop for new ones, right?

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