With increasing number of people opting for elective medical procedures there has been an exponential growth in the medical spa business. According to multiple reports the industry is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8%, and become a USD 6 billion industry on its own. However, in order to encash on this growth, it is imperative to have a robust marketing plan. Needless to state that the marketing plan should tailor made to speak about the values of your business and be closely aligned to its goals. A smart marketing plan should be a combination of organic marketing and technology driven marketing. With an average adult spending about 4 hours a day viewing their gadgets, a traditional marketing plan alone is no longer sufficient in generating revenues. Therefore, it is important to engage with potential clients over the mode of communication chosen by them. In this instance, through digital means. Read along to know how you can build your own personalized marketing plan.
Digital Existence
Recall that we spoke about digital communication? The first step towards communicating digitally involves having a digital presence. With billions of people using the internet, having a website or an app for your medical spa business is absolutely necessary. A well-crafted website / app is a multi-purpose tool. These act as your storefront, and double up as the single window to answer all the queries that a potential client may have. However, while designing either an app or a website, it must be borne in mind that these should be easy to navigate and answer many questions such as store location, business hours, services offered, description of the procedure, the ideal client who could consider the procedure, expected outcomes, and testimonials from past clients. The customer should have an option of scheduling an appointment using these digital tools. A medical spa scheduling software easily integrates with an app or a website to accept and schedule bookings. What is even better, the med spa software enables your business to respond to potential clients 24x7x365.
Listing & SEO
Did you know that a study on search patterns indicated that atleast 80% of the users end up just visiting webpages of the business that rank amongst the first 5 in the search list? With almost every other person looking for information on the internet, it is important to have your med spa business listed amongst the near me or popular options. One of the ways to ensure that it happens is by deploying a SEO (search engine optimization). It works by combining the keywords from the search and looking for it on your website. The higher the match, the higher is your webpage’s ranking. The SEOs are known to pull organic traffic to your business. Higher the customer traffic, means higher opportunity of generating business.
Engage Social Media
The power of social media is now well documented. However, the concept of content marketing is yet to be fully accepted. A blog section or social media posts on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram can lead you to high quality leads. Posts on social media are known to increase the SEO results, and when done correctly can help you establish yourself as an industry expert. Clients are more convinced by the concept of “seeing is believing”. In order to leverage this, you can consider posting an existing client’s pre and post treatment pictures, with prior consent on your business’s social media page. While posting the transformation that your clinic has provided to the client, you can also consider sharing the credentials of your skilled team. It goes a long way in establishing trust with the client. A client is more likely to undergo an elective procedure when they know that they’re in safe hands.
Email marketing Campaigns
While it is important to add new clients by using all possibility marketing tools, one must also work towards retaining existing clients. Today’s client is a well-informed lot, and they expect the same level of information from the businesses where they spend their money. While SEO optimization, and social media engagement does drive the traffic of potential clients, another important tool is email marketing. When one talks about email marketing, one must bear in mind that the reader is not interested in your sales pitch. Your periodic emails to clients should be as personalized as possible, and should just nudge the customer to think towards opting for a procedure. One of the best ways to run email marketing campaigns is to send automated fortnightly or monthly emails to clients. The process can be easily automated using a med spa software. Some of the renowned medical spa software such as Zenoti, Wellyx, BePos and Capterra have full- fledged marketing module, which does deep data analytics to indicate content for email marketing campaigns. In order to understand more, we encourage you to read our post on “How Medical Spa Software Elevates Client Experience”
Referral Marketing
Last but not the least, encourage your existing client to give you referrals. While every business must keep abreast with times and engage in digital marketing, it shouldn’t be done at the cost and consequences of ignoring traditional marketing methods. In order to encourage existing clients to give referrals you can offer them a one- time discount for each and every successful client added. To the new clients, you can offer a one- time discounted trial if they come as referral.