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How to become a Java full-stack developer

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How to become a Java full-stack developer

Every company, whether it’s a start-up or an established business, is on the lookout for full-stack java developers or professionals who have career goals in this technology. This is true irrespective of the size of the industry. The reason for this is that a full-stack developer consistently delivers advantages over specialists who are restricted to a particular task. Another factor contributing to the enormous uptick in demand for full-stack developers is the trend among businesses to reduce the size of their development teams to cut down on expenses and improve efficiency.

If the business is focused on producing a product, then it is necessary to employ a full-stack developer, regardless of whether the organization in question is a start-up or not. In the past few years, there has been a 20% increase in the sales for full-stack developers, with companies willing to also have multi-talented professionals with a diversified skill set on board.

What exactly is meant by the term “full-stack developer”?

A candidate who is capable of developing client, as well as server software using core Java, is referred to as a full-stack development expert. This is the most straightforward way to define the term. If a developer works full-stack, then it means that he or she is responsible for all of the tasks relating to the front end, back end, database, and integration process.

As a full-stack developer, you are responsible for a wide range of responsibilities, including but not limited to the following: coding the server-side API; selecting appropriate programming languages for back-end development; implementing the JavaScript-based client-side of the application; querying databases, and using version control systems. The capacity of a full-stack developer to develop a diverse skill set and the capacity to work on a project individually, which results in a reduction in operational costs, contribute to the value that a full-stack developer brings to an organization and to the team that they are a part of.

You must interpret the requirements of users into the overall system architecture and then implement them by those interpretations. You are expected to have experience working both on the client-side and the server-side of application development, as well as understanding the entire application development process. A full-stack developer can switch from working on one aspect of an application to working on someone else without encountering any difficulties. In addition to this, you will need to design the web pages utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

 Is becoming a Java full-stack developer a good career choice?

The employment market currently offers a plethora of opportunities, particularly for full-stack Java developers. Because very few people possess the necessary skill set, it is of the utmost importance to gain an understanding of the know-how that goes into the production of an effective full-stack Java developer. Full-stack Java developers are in high demand in India, increasing by more than 32% year over year. A capable full-stack Java developer has multiple skill sets at their disposal and can be an asset to the company as a result. They are self-sufficient in the sense that they can work on projects without direct supervision, which in turn helps to keep operational costs down.

Learning a variety of front-end and back-end technologies is only part of what’s required to be a full-stack developer. In addition to this, it is necessary to have a sufficient level of understanding of both of these areas and to ensure that there is easy and effective interaction between them.

Full-stack developers would need to continuously educate themselves on emerging technologies to keep up with the most recent industry trends as technologies, as well as industries, continue to advance. The ability to master such a wide variety of skills across all layers of the stack is a distinct advantage held by software developers.

Consider the following benefits of becoming a full-stack developer if you are just starting in the field of technology or are in the middle of your career and want to transition into the world of technology from a field that is not related to technology.

What is the average salary for full-stack Java developers in India?

If your abilities are up to par, then let’s take a look at what a full-stack Java developer’s paycheck looks like to get a better idea of what to expect. The annual salary of a full-stack Java developer in India is currently estimated to be 6.6 lakhs Indian rupees (6.6 lakhs) on average. The starting salary is 2.4 lakhs Indian rupees (at the entry-level), and it can go up to 19 lakhs Indian rupees annually. The number of years of experience that you have under your belt, in addition to the type of company that you are currently employed by, are two of the factors that go into determining your salary. However, to improve your experience and broaden the scope of the opportunities available to you professionally, the skills you need to acquire should include both technical and interpersonal competencies.

The road map to becoming a Java full-stack developer

There are many different technologies to study, and not all of them can be built on the Java platform. You will, at the very least, need to become proficient in the full stack of web development, which consists of HTML, CSS, and JS. This is standard training for novice developers.

Learning JavaScript is going to be a very helpful addition to your skill set. It is not the same as the java programming language. Although it is easily distinguishable from other things, it is strikingly similar to many other things. Because of this, gaining knowledge of it is significantly simplified. When it comes to the database layer, you will need to become proficient in SQL for RDBMS as well as several different NoSQL databases, as well as whatever else is popular or currently in demand.

The following is an outline of the steps involved in full-stack web development. Read through the article to determine which skills and tools you should learn, as well as the order in which you should learn them. There are many different tools for full-stack web development available, and you should become familiar with all of them before settling on one to specialize in learning.

Even if you are already an expert in your field, you still need to make sure that you are always up to date with the latest information because this is another essential component of your roadmap. The tendencies in full stack web development for the year 2022 won’t be the same as those for the coming year. The number of new frameworks and tools that are made available regularly is constantly growing. You absolutely cannot afford to fall behind the times, or you will find yourself rendered irrelevant. Always keep an eye out for recent developments and forthcoming changes.

What are the skills you need to have to become a full-stack Java developer?


You must have an in-depth understanding of HTML, also known as HyperText Markup Language, as well as CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets. These are necessary to design web pages, which serve as the fundamental building blocks of web development, as well as to add and format content to establish an efficient web presence. HTML is a helpful tool that you can use to describe the structure of web pages utilizing markup. On the other hand, you can control the presentation of HTML elements by using CSS. Because both of these programming languages are necessary to develop an efficient front-end, you must become proficient in both of them.


JavaScript is the best tool available because it makes it simple for full-stack developers to produce high-quality websites. It is the only language that really can run natively within the browser as well as on the server, making it the language of choice for adding a dynamic element to websites. Additionally, it is the only language that can run natively on both (Node.js). The most common application for JavaScript is to modify HTML and CSS to animate images and illustrations, create interactive maps and menus, as well as video players, and update content on a website.

Full-stack developers are required to have a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript, in addition to its components such as React and Angular. In addition to that, they ought to be familiar with both DOM and JSON. In addition to this, they should be able to keep up with the development of new frameworks, libraries, as well as tools.

Spring Framework (Spring Boot)

When it comes to developing a web application, REST APIs, or microservices, the majority of businesses today prefer to use Spring frameworks like Spring MVC, Spring Boot, & Spring Cloud. As a result, it is almost essential for a Java developer to acquire knowledge of the Spring framework in today’s world.

In addition to this, it encourages the use of best practices, such as dependency injection, as well as makes your application more testable, which is an essential requirement for software developed in the modern era.

If you are new to Java development, then we recommend that you begin with this Java and Spring tutorial to learn the fundamentals of this awesome framework. On the other hand, when you’re already familiar with Spring, then perhaps you should investigate Spring Boot and Spring Cloud to develop Java applications for the next generation. 

Databases and cloud storage on the web after you have finished concentrating on the front-end as well as the back-end, the next thing you need to do is concentrate on a data repository, which is a place on which you can store data for later access. You are required to have an in-depth knowledge of relational databases and memory storage as well as the ability to construct, comprehend, and manipulate database queries. In addition to this, you need to be familiar with the ideas behind relational & non-relational databases. You are required to have a solid understanding of the intricacies of relational data, NoSQL databases, as well as web storage to store the data efficiently. You also need to be familiar with the process of connecting a database to the back end.

Code Version Control

Version control is a method that records and controls changes made to the code of the software. It is also referred to as source control. Version control systems, also known as VCSs, are pieces of software that help teams working on software development keep track of the various changes made to source code over time.

As the complexity of development environments continues to grow, version control systems enable software development teams to work more efficiently. There are many different platforms for version control. Github, BitBucket, and GitLab are just some of them; others include software and web architecture.

There is a possibility that not all Java programmers have experience in software architecture, even though this is an essential stage in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). A Java full-stack developer is someone knowledgeable about the overall code structure. They organize the files, track the data in the databases, and organize the data in such a way that future tasks are simple to manage. To be one, you might want to consider becoming skilled in software development and web architecture.

APIs as well as Library

If you have ever collaborated with highly skilled Java developers, then you may have observed that they have a comprehensive understanding of the Java ecosystem, in which APIs play a significant role.

Java is the most popular and widely used programming language in the world, and it has developed to the point where there are a vast number of libraries and application programming interfaces (APIs) available.

You are not expected to be familiar with all of them, but you should be familiar with some important APIs such as JSON processing APIs such as Jackson and Gson, XML processing APIs such as JAXB, and Xerces, Unit testing libraries such as Mockito and JUnit.

Why are Java full-stack developer jobs in demand?

Java full-stack developers are industry experts who possess a wide variety of specialized skills. Because of their level of expertise, they can work independently with only minimal supervision. Because of their prior experience, they can quickly assimilate and acquire knowledge in other pertinent technologies as well. They can detect issues, bugs, and glitches in the front-end as well as the back-end programming, and they can speed up the process of fixing them.

Since they are independent, they can optimize and prioritize their schedules following the SDLC document. They can work seamlessly with clients throughout the planning, implementation, and testing stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC). They are focused on achieving their goals and are aware of what a customer and an end-user anticipate receiving from a website or an application. As a result, the demand for these professionals is extremely high.

Full-stack Java developer interview process

An interview for full-stack coding will almost always consist of a technical portion, the purpose of which is to give the hiring manager an idea of your current level of expertise.

Bear in mind that there are many different kinds of technical challenges, including live coding exercises, take-home assessments, design considerations, and soft analysis of programmatic thinking. Some of these challenges require you to code in real-time, while others require you to test your knowledge at home. 

To get yourself ready for each type, you should complete the code challenges within a timeframe of 30 to 40 minutes. Examine some instances of broken code to locate errors, fix the problems, and then describe how you resolved the issues.

  1. An online evaluation of the candidate’s coding skills
  2. Evaluation of coding abilities, often known as an offline evaluation
  3. The general debate round.
  4. In-person interviews for technical positions,
  5. A round of HR

Prepare for behavioral questions

Hiring managers aren’t just looking for someone who is a master of programming; they also need someone who will fit in well with the culture of the company and collaborate well with others.

Prepare answers in advance that demonstrate how you handle stressful situations, disagreements at work, or challenges in your everyday life. You should familiarize yourself with the most frequently asked behavioral questions so that you won’t be caught off guard. 

List of technical questions for full-stack Java developers

Here is a list of some technical questions that can help you with your full-stack Java developer interview.

What does front-end framework mean?

A front-end framework serves as a support structure for the front end of your website. Typically, it contains some method to arrange your files (for instance, via components or a “CSS” preprocessor), style the components, conduct ”AJAX” queries, as well as associate data with “DOM” elements. 

What are the front-end and back-end technologies?

Both front-end developers and back-end developers are responsible for distinct aspects of a website. Programming that concentrates on the visual aspects of a website or app by which a user would interact is known as front-end development (the client side). Back-end development, on the other hand, concentrates on the portion of a website that visitors never see (the server side).

What is a database query in SQL?

At its most fundamental level, an inquiry can be understood as a question. When we bring up questions concerning other individuals, we generally anticipate receiving an answer of some kind in return. When we conduct searches on databases using computers, this works in the same way.

 A database query is a comparable operation that is particularly closely related to some kind of “CRUD” (create, read, update, or delete) function. “CRUD” stands for creating, reading, updating, and deleting. An attempt to access data in a database, either to change it or retrieve it, is referred to as a database query.

What is a user interface, and why is it important?

The point during which human users engage in interaction with a computer, website, or application is known as the user interface (UI). The objective of good user interface design is to simplify and streamline the overall user experience such that the user must exert the least amount of effort possible to achieve the greatest amount of success. Developers are responsible for building user interfaces.

What is the dependency injection?

A programming method known as dependency injection is used to free a class from the constraints imposed by its dependents. This is accomplished by separating the act of utilizing an object from the act of creating that thing. This makes it easier for you to adhere to the dependency inversion as well as single responsibility rules that are part of “SOLID”.

What is a building block in programming?

Data and instructions are the two fundamental components of any programming endeavor. Working with data requires an understanding of variables as well as types, whereas working using instructions requires an understanding of control structures as well as subroutines.

What is back-end development?

Back-end development refers to the process of working on server-side software, particularly focusing on aspects of a website that are hidden from view. Back-end developers are responsible for ensuring that the website functions properly by concentrating on databases, back-end logic, application programming interfaces (APIs), architectural design, and servers.

What are the 5 steps of the software development process?

The process of designing software involves, from most fundamental to most advanced levels, the following five stages: research, ideation, design, development, and iteration. These five components are analogous to the fundamental inquiries of “who, what, when, and where,” as well as “how,” which are required to provide a comprehensive response to any given set of inquiries.

What is continuous development?

Research, conceptualization, design, development, and iteration are the five stages that make up the process of designing software, in ascending order of importance, beginning with the most elementary to the most advanced ones. These five components are equivalent to the fundamental queries of “who, what, when, and where,” as well as “how,” which are required to deliver an insightful reply to any particular set of inquiries. A response must include all five components to be considered complete.

Describe the process of pairing up with another programmer.

When it comes to interviews for full-stack developers, the topic of pair programming is an important one, and you should anticipate being asked many questions about it.

The practice of having two programmers collaborate on a single project while using a single terminal is known as pair programming and is considered to be one of the fundamental components of extreme programming methodology. The name given to the programmer who is in charge of writing the codes is “the driver,” and the name given to the programmer whose job it is to look over the codes is “the navigator.” The use of pair programming is beneficial for both the front and the back end of a project.

What are directives?

Whenever a page is compiled into a servlet, the JSP engine will process any directives that are present on it. Directives are also known as directive instructions. Directives are utilized for the setting of page-level commands, the insertion of data from external files, as well as the specification of bespoke tag libraries. Between the percent @ and the percent,> tags are where directives are defined. The following list illustrates the various sorts of directives:

Include directive: It is utilized to incorporate a file into the current page by merging the contents of the file with those of the included file.

It is utilized to define specific attributes within the “JSP” page, such as the error page and the buffer, among other things. The page directive. Taglib is a term that refers to the declaration of a user-specific tag library that is then used on the page.

What exactly is meant by the term “RESTful API,” and why is it put to use?

An application programming interface (API) that uses the “REST” architectural style is sometimes referred to as a “RESTful” web service. The complete form of REST is called “representational state transfer,” while the complete form of API is “application program interface.” This application programming interface makes use of the HTTP protocol to define the set of functions, which includes the ability to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data. There is an implementation of the “RESTful API”.

 What are normalization as well as denormalization?

The term “normalization” refers to nothing more than the process of minimizing or removing redundancies in the data. As a consequence of this, there is a reduction in the amount of wasted space, and the reliability of the data is improved.

The process of denormalization is just an optimization technique that is used to raise the level of data redundancy in a database. As a consequence of this, the joins are not necessary, and the functionality of the database structure has been significantly enhanced. Following the completion of the normalizing procedure comes the phase of denormalization.

What does it mean for an event in “JavaScript” to be bubbling and captured?

Event Bubbling and Event Capturing are two methods of event propagation that are available in the HTML API. These methods are used in situations in which an incident happens in an element that is positioned inside another part, and both parts have registered a handle only with a recently occurred event. The sequence in which the elements find out about the event is determined by the event propagation mode in this case.

In the scenario of “Event Bubbling”, the event would be first caught and then processed by the innermost element. After that, the event is passed on to the element that is the outermost in the hierarchy.

In the scenario of “Event Capturing”, the event is first processed and then captured by the element that is outermost in the structure. After that, the event is passed on to the element that is innermost in the structure.

What is this “Callback Hell” that people talk about?

In asynchronous programming code, a common anti-pattern that can be found is known as “Callback Hell”, which is also known as the “Pyramid of Doom” (multiple functions running at the same time). Several “if” statements or functions that are nested within one another are referred to using this slang word. In its most basic form, the phrase “callback hell” refers to a circumstance in which several asynchronous functions are present. Because these functions are interdependent on one another, the situation has the potential to become rather muddled due to the presence of a large number of nested callback functions in a large number of layers.

To start from scratch with the development of a project, what kinds of technologies and languages do you need?

It is a hypothetical question designed to help you understand the level at which the recruiting manager will evaluate your preparedness to begin the job. It is a straightforward method for differentiating an experienced full-stack developer from an inexperienced one. Those that have trouble communicating their thoughts are going to have a very difficult time getting through at this stage.

Could you please explain what you mean by the term “data attributes”?

If you want to be successful in full-stack interviews, then you need to have a strong understanding of “HTML” and the features that it offers. This is an example of the kind of query that you may anticipate receiving about “HTML 5” like this one.

The developer is responsible for defining the data properties that are used in “HTML 5”. These are custom attributes that are implemented in situations where the pre-defined properties are insufficient for the task at hand. You are only permitted to use data attributes on the page that they are written on, and they don’t necessitate any “AJAX” requests being made. These are global characteristics, which means that you can use them with any element.

What does CORS mean?

CORS is an abbreviation that stands for “Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.” This procedure is what we utilize to elevate the authority of several different web resources across a variety of domains. Using “CORS”, the integration of web scripts with the external content of the indigenous domain can be carried out in a more streamlined fashion.

What are various design patterns?

During the time that you are responding to this question, you must demonstrate that you can comprehend common faults that may occur while developing web apps. If your expertise is formal and extensive, then you need to encourage the employer to have faith in the experience you possess in being able to understand a code that is well-organized and easy to read.

Explain the event loop in Node.js.?

Asynchronous programming is made possible in JavaScript by using the event loop. Every operation in “JS i” is carried out on a single thread; however, the appearance of multi-threading can be fabricated by employing well-considered data structures. Any asynchronous work that needs to be completed is taken care of by a queue as well as a listener when using the event loop.

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