Home Technology How Can QR Codes Be Used for Social Media Marketing?

How Can QR Codes Be Used for Social Media Marketing?

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If you’re not capitalizing on your social media presence yet, you’re missing out big time. In this digital age, social media marketing is one of the best, if not the best ways to increase brand awareness, brand recognition, and loyal customer base, eventually increasing sales.


The challenge is, different social media platforms are saturated with brands that also want to reach their target market. But, using the best QR code generator can help you stand out.


QR codes are a tried and tested tool in social media marketing. If you haven’t started using them yet, here are some quick and simple ways to go about it.


Boost your social media following


Just like being present on any other platform, brands capitalize on social media to boost their presence, brand awareness, and recall. This is crucial for brands, especially as 4.26 billion people use social media of any form, according to Smart Insights’ 2022 global social media statistics research.


Placing QR codes on your promotional materials makes it so much easier for users to connect with you across all your social media sites.


Eventually, this can also increase engagement for metrics such as likes, comments, and shares, because users are directed exactly to where you want them to be.


Provide users with exclusive content


As much as you display QR codes on your ad materials, only a fraction of people will actually scan them. A great way to encourage them is to provide exclusive content that’s only accessible once the QR code is scanned.


It creates a sense of exclusivity, which is a great recipe to brand loyalty.


If you’re a brand that sells products and services directly to consumers, you can also give them an exclusive discount using these QR codes.


Similarly, this gives your audience a sense of accomplishment, prompting them to buy an item using the discount code.


Advertise your social media platforms


In all advertising materials, space is money. Every square inch can cost a lot of money, so it’s crucial to put only important and actionable information. Using a social media QR code can be an all-in-one place to lead them into your social platforms.


Instead of using call-to-action words such as “visit,” “like,” follow,” or “subscribe” which can take up so much space, these can all be replaced by just one QR code.


This also makes it easier to find the right page for your brand, instead of putting usernames, which often yields vague results.


Keep track of data and analytics


Data and analytics are important measures for any kind of social media campaign. However, tracking where the traffic came from or which ad had gained significant traction can be difficult and more often than not, inaccurate.


What’s great about using QR codes is, you can track how many people have scanned, what device they’ve used, locations of where they scanned, and more. This helps you organize your metrics better, create better campaigns, and increase the visibility of the brand.


If you’re looking into developing a QR code-based social media marketing, make sure to generate QR codes from a trusted QR code generator online. Tap into the unlimited potential of this media to stand out from your competitors.


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