Home Lifestyle Fun Flower Trivia For The Real Flower Enthusiasts

Fun Flower Trivia For The Real Flower Enthusiasts

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What kinds of flowers are commonly used in bouquets by florists?

Everyone loves flowers, the colourful fragrant buds have the unique ability to make everyone smile by just looking pretty. Whenever you enter a room decorated with colourful blooms, where the sweet aroma is sprinkled in the air, ahh! Just notice how fast your mood improves just by thinking about it. Flowers are nature’s gift to humankind, a way of telling us how wonderful mother earth truly is, and to top it all, because of the advancement of technology we can receive and send these fragrant beauties through flower delivery in Vadodara or anywhere you want.

Adoring flowers is one thing, but have you wondered about these mysterious buds and how we know so little about them. If you are one of those who love to know everything then how can you leave these pretty little flowers out of your knowledge zone? Scroll through some crazy-fun facts about the flowers with us and satisfy your curiosity!


  • Flowers are so beautiful, but did you know that flowers are actually the reproductive part of the plant? We know it’s basic elementary science but not a lot of people know this. When insects and/or birds come on the flower to collect the nectar of the flower, they often fructify the flower by incidentally moving the pollen to another flower female reproductive part known as the pistil. So, now you know that flowers are more than just decorative fragrant items.
  • Flowers are loved for their mesmerizing fragrance most of all, but that is not true in the case of every flower. You would think that the largest flower in the world would have a pleasant aroma but you can not be more wrong. The flower is known as the Titan Arum or “The Corpse Flower” as it smells like rotting meat. The flowers can grow up to ten feet tall and can be 3 feet wide or even more, it also weighs around 11 to 12 Kg. The flower is native to The Sumatra Island of Indonesia and mostly grows in the wild, thank god for that!
  • After talking about the worst-smelling flowers, it is only logical that we talk about the best-smelling flower. The whole world contradicts with each other on the matter but the flowers with the most alluring fragrances from around the world are Cherry Blossoms of Japan, Scented Primrose of Europe, Autumn Clematis that grows in Northeastern Asia, Nicotiana Sylvestris that is native to America, and Day Blooming Jasmine of India. These fragrant flowers look as wonderful as they smell hence you can never get enough of them.
  • There is a unique type of flower known as the Chocolate Cosmos that is the variety of the said plant and they actually release the aroma of Chocolates. They even look like chocolate with their deep red almost brown shade. They look and smell absolutely delicious but they are inedible, in fact, they are quite injurious to health. Interestingly the flower went extinct years ago and was recreated in 1902, the cosmos available now are just remade clones of the original natural buds.
  • After the best fragrances, let’s talk about money. The most expensive flower ever sold was the Shenzhen Nongke Orchid, which is surprisingly a man-made flower. It was developed by an agricultural science group of China known as Shenzhen Nongke Group and took 8 long years to develop. The flower was sold at an auction in 2005 for a whopping ₹1,60,30,900/- or £160,000. The fun part is the buyer, to this day remains anonymous.
  • If you love history then you will surely find this fact interesting. Scientists have managed to bring 32 thousand years old dead arctic flowers to life. The flower was revived with the help of an arctic ground squirrel. That’s right, a squirrel hid the seed of the flower in her burrow and forgot the seed, laid frozen until 2012 when a team of scientists found it in Siberia and brought it back to life. The Flower is known as the Narrow-Leafed Campion or Silene Stenophylla and is currently the oldest man known species.


Flowers have so much more to offer than just their appearance and alluring fragrance and we can not help but love them even more.

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