Home Finance Five Reasons to Invest in Index Funds

Five Reasons to Invest in Index Funds

by Rajdeep Basu

Index Fund investments have always been regarded as among the wisest investment decisions that you can make. Index funds are inexpensive, provide diversity, and give strong long-term returns. They have historically outperformed alternative fund types that are professionally maintained and managed by leading investment companies.

Investing in funds can be confusing. There are numerous choices to consider, and the information provided online is subjective at best. In 2008, Warren Buffett made a $ 1 million bet that the S&P 500 Index Fund would ideally outperform a carefully chosen portfolio of certain hedge funds during tenure of 10 years. He won the bet by a landslide, which convinced numerous investors to include the best index funds in their investment portfolio. However, if you are still wondering whether index funds are genuinely worth the hype, this blog will provide a guide on why you should invest your money in them.

What is an Index Fund?

Index funds are a variety of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) or Mutual Funds (MFs) that track the performance of marketplace indexes, like the S&P 500 Index Fund. An index fund holds the same securities in roughly a similar ratio as the index it monitors. The index is often centred on a single industry, area, or stock exchange.

What are the reasons to invest in the best Index Funds?

  • Diversification

Investing in index funds helps your portfolio get diversified automatically, thereby reducing the possibility of risking all, or even a part, of your investment. For example, when you invest in an S&P 500 Index Fund, your capital gets divided into 500 different stocks. Although the investment returns of these companies fluctuate over time, the entire return of your investment portfolio is linked to all of them.

By distributing your investment in so many firms, you assure that the profitability of your investment is not unduly associated with the fate of any single firm in the index. Click here to invest in the best index funds in India.

  • Lesser Management Fees

The first thing to consider is the management fee that each fund manager collects every year. Expense rates for actively maintained mutual funds are typically around 1% to 2%. The majority of the charge is used to compensate portfolio managers for making the buy-and-sell decisions to beat the general marketplace.

Index funds, on the other hand, are maintained passively. The index fund’s securities seldom fluctuate since they merely monitor an index by purchasing and retaining all companies in that benchmark. The cost ratio is modest since the index fund managers don’t need to undertake much effort. Cost rates normally vary around 0.05 to 0.07%, while the best index funds have 0% expense ratios.

  • Reduced Turnover Ratio

Reduced Turnover Ratio is the proportion of a fund’s assets swapped in a particular year. For instance, if a fund buys 100 equities and swaps out 10 in a year, the turnover ratio for that year is 10%. Index funds, by definition, have a reduced turnover ratio than most actively maintained funds. Turnover percentages of index funds are typically between 1% and 2% annually, instead of 20% or greater for certain actively maintained mutual funds.

  • Reduced Capital Gain Taxation

If a mutual fund stock is sold for a gain, the gap between the acquisition price and the closing sale price is regarded as the capital gain. Greater turnover percentage holding firms accumulate capital gains more often, resulting in much more taxes that need to be paid by the investor. Their reduced turnover percentage of index funds is less of an issue as the fund managers don’t sell equities now and then.

  • Profitable Investment

According to a Standard & Poor’s study, approximately only 23% of actively maintained mutual funds exceed the S&P 500 throughout five years. Several surveys back up this figure.

While individual firms thrive and fail in the marketplace, the entire stock market rises in value over the years. Thus, index funds usually provide good returns at a cheap cost, making them a fantastic bargain for any investor. 


Every investor’s investment portfolio should include some of the best index funds. It can also be used as a launching pad into the realm of stocks by first-time investors. Gains from index funds may be erratic in the immediate term, but it generally swings out the average over time. It is among the simplest methods to gain exposure to stock marketplaces. However, if you wish to start investing in the best index funds in India, be sure the fund suits your risk tolerance, investing timeframe, and financial goals before you start investing. 

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