Home Apps A Quick Mobile App Navigation Guide

A Quick Mobile App Navigation Guide

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90% of mobile app users reported that they stopped using an app because of poor performance. If you want your app to be a success, you need to make sure that it’s easy to navigate.

If your mobile app isn’t easy to navigate, users are unlikely to want to use it for long. Your app needs to be intuitive and easy to navigate if you want it to be successful.

In this quick mobile app navigation guide, we’ll tell you how to improve your app.

Understand Mobile Navigation Patterns

The first step to optimizing mobile app navigation is to understand the various patterns that you can use.

Many apps choose to use a hamburger menu, an icon with three horizontal lines, for app navigation. However, you can also choose to use tab bars, full-screen menus, floating action buttons, and other navigational methods as well.

There are pros and cons to each option, so be sure to consider each of them carefully when designing your app. Be sure to learn more about Builder.ai if you want to create an app with great navigation.

Make All Text Legible

Another essential part of functional app design is ensuring that everything is legible. If navigational menus include text that’s too small to see or icons that someone won’t understand, your app will be difficult to use.

Verify that a user will understand where a navigational button will go and ensure that all text is legible.

Include All Important Menu Items

A big mistake in mobile app design is leaving something important out of the menu. 

Make sure that your menu directs users to all of the important places that they’ll need to go in your app. Important parts of your app should be accessible with as few clicks as possible.

In addition to this, make sure that you have a back button. This way, a user can easily get back to the last page of the app they were on.

Allow for One-Handed Navigation

It’s also important to ensure that your app can be navigated with only one hand. 

To do this, make sure that you add most of the navigational elements within reach of the thumb. You may also want to add swiping navigation features instead of relying only on buttons for navigation.

An app that requires two hands may be frustrating and less convenient for users.

Make Your App Seem Quicker

When a user navigates to different areas of the app, they may become frustrated if the transition takes too long. Be sure to make your app as fast as possible, and if delays are necessary, then make it seem short than it is.

Showing skeleton screens while content is loading can make transitions seem shorter than they actually are. They can make your app seem more responsive and easy to use overall.

Using the Tips in This Mobile App Navigation Guide

If you want to gain more loyal users when you create an app, make sure that you follow this mobile app navigation guide. Making your app easy to navigate is important for improving UX and keeping your users engaged.

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