Home Technology 5 Types Of Training Videos You Can Make Without Much Experience

5 Types Of Training Videos You Can Make Without Much Experience

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Training Videos

Training is an integral part of any business. No employee will be perfect and be aware of every detail of your business, no matter how big it is and so you will need to provide training to the team members.

Video training is one of the most used and popular forms of giving training to employees. They are growing in demand as training videos are easy, smooth, can be done at home, can be saved for later, watched without any supervision, and be distributed widely.

However, it can be difficult to master the technical expertise required to create training videos and can deter you from using it, that is why many companies have been looking out for agencies that specialize in training video productions. But this does not mean you are stuck with old ways. There are some beginner-friendly types of training videos that can be made without any experience. Read on to find out more.

1.   Presenter or Speaker Videos

Presenter videos are one where there is a speaker presenting the topic for training and speaking directly in the video. There may or may not be supporting materials. These are one of the easiest videos to make considering you don’t even need to spend an extra penny making them or take out time to make them.

You can shoot the presenter videos while there is a speaker giving in-person training to some other employees or managers. Presenter videos feel personable and help to communicate the point across better.

2.   Demonstration Videos

If you need to give training regarding the use of a product or steps to follow to do a certain task, demonstration videos can be your best option and they are simple to make as well. Demonstration videos walk the people through the steps of doing or using something. Such a topic can be boring and reading an instruction manual may be hard to comprehend.

Even if someone is telling by speaking, the audience may not grasp certain points. However, showing how to do it via a demo can make things interesting and help the audience retain information.

3.   Presentation Or Lecture Videos

Presentation videos are simple to produce. In most cases, you need slides with information and audio recording for an explanation of the material. These videos are evergreen as they can be watched later too. They may be longer than some other types of videos with more intensive content.

4.   Screencast

Screencast videos are best to use when you need to train employees about using a certain application or software. All you need to do is use the software step by step and record the screen using a screen recorder.

These videos are great for quick, informal sessions with an intimate audience instead of a large crowd. Screencasts are best to solve a quick problem by using software.

5.   Instructor-Led Videos

This video has an instructor delivering the training like presenter videos. The difference lies in the supporting material. Instructor-led videos usually don’t depend on the speaker alone. The presenter takes the help of screencasts, images, illustrations, other videos, guests, slides, and more to get the point across. The speaker is not always speaking directly to the audience but involves other interactive material to keep the audience involved.  


You can get started with one of these easy ways to make a training video or you can hire a professional to produce high-quality material in video format. You can mix and match different mediums of training as well. Take an audit of the audience and train accordingly.

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