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5 Questions to Ask Your Payment Processor Regarding HIPAA Compliance | Advanced MD

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5 Questions to Ask Your Payment Processor Regarding HIPAA Compliance

All healthcare centers or providers are now required to be HIPAA compliant. This means that you must take specific steps to protect the privacy and security of patient information. 

But what is HIPAA?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA is a federal law that sets the standard for protecting confidential patient information. It was enacted in 1996 and was last updated in 2013. 

What does HIPAA require? 

There are five basic requirements for HIPAA compliance: 

  1. Establish a written security policy- This policy must include procedures for protecting electronic health information (EHI) and for detecting, responding to, and reporting unauthorized access or use of EHI. 
  2. Implement security measures- These measures must include administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect EHI. 
  3. Train personnel on HIPAA compliance- Personnel must be trained on how to protect EHI and how to identify and report breaches. 
  4. Create and maintain an incident response plan- This plan should describe how the organization will respond to a suspected or confirmed security incident. 
  5. Issue a HIPAA policy statement- This document must state that the healthcare center is HIPAA compliant.

How to ensure HIPAA compliant payment processing?

When it comes to ensuring your payment processing is HIPAA compliant, there are a few key questions you need to ask your payment processor.

Here are the top five questions you need to ask your HIPAA payment processor:

  • Do you have experience working with healthcare providers and HIPAA compliance?

Payment processors that have experience working with healthcare providers and are familiar with HIPAA compliance are more likely to be able to help you ensure your payment processing is HIPAA compliant.

  • What security measures do you have in place to protect patient data?

Your payment processor should have a variety of security measures in place to protect patient data, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption.

  • What steps do you take to ensure that patient data is not compromised?

Your payment processor should have a process in place for identifying and mitigating any risks to patient data. This may include regular risk assessments and audits.

  • Are your employees trained in HIPAA compliance?

Your payment processor should have employees who are trained in HIPAA compliance and understand how to protect patient data.

  • What are your policies and procedures for protecting patient data?

Your payment processor should have policies and procedures in place for protecting patient data, including requirements for employee training, data security, and breach reporting.

If you are looking for a payment processor that is HIPAA compliant, be sure to ask these questions. And if you are already working with a payment processor, be sure to review their security measures to ensure they are adequate.

Are there HIPAA compliant payment software?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each payment processor will have their own set of security measures in place. However, some payment processors may offer HIPAA compliant payment software that can help you protect patient data.

When it comes to HIPAA compliance, it is important to partner with a payment processor that understands your needs and can help you ensure your payment processing is HIPAA compliant. 

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