Home Business What to look for in an office for your non-profit?

What to look for in an office for your non-profit?

by admin

A non-profit organisation usually does social service or charitable work. As their name suggests, the organisation does not work for profit. This means they need to keep their expenses down, so they can operate without profit. A major expense for most organisations is the office rental or lease.

Non-profit organisations need to find the ideal office that helps save them money. They also need to have an office that meets their needs. We list out some key considerations to keep in mind while looking for charity offices or offices for non-profit organisations.

Choosing an office for a non-profit

1) Consider the costs

The prime consideration for a non-profit is to find an office that costs less. The rental and lease costs need to be competitive. This is important since the organisation does not make any profit. Reducing the monthly rental can help save money for the organisation’s key activities. This ensures the organisation can manage their finances well.

2) Keep the objectives in mind

A non-profit organisation is started with certain objectives or goals in mind. These objectives could be charitable work, social work, education, or any other such activity. The office chosen should support these objectives. If you are into education, then the office should have space for students to be taught. Similarly, if you are running a community kitchen you need space to store kitchen items and may even need kitchen space. The office space you choose should help you attain your objectives.

3) Consider a convenient location

Businesses prefer central locations and can afford them. A non-profit can choose a location a bit far off from the city centre. This would help in reducing rental expenses. Even though cost is a criterion, care must be taken to choose a location that is convenient. The office must be easily accessible for employees and other stakeholders. Transport facilities should be available.

4) Basic amenities need

An office needs all the basic amenities. Electric and plumbing connections are needed, and they need to be maintained. The monthly charges for electricity and water also need to be considered while renting office space. Availability of parking space and any charges for the same need to be kept in mind.

5) Facilities in the office

An office needs many facilities to ensure work happens smoothly. A non-profit can look for office space where these facilities are offered by the owner. These can include:

  • Internet connectivity and telephone connection.
  • Security – physical security personnel as well as security systems like CCTV cameras.
  • Meeting or conference rooms (depends on the work done by the non-profit).
  • A kitchen area (where needed) with basic appliances like a coffee maker, oven, refrigerator, etc.
  • Maintenance of the office that includes cleaning.
  • Other facilities needed are copiers, printers, and office equipment. If provided by the owner, it would be convenient.

6) Look for shared office space

A good way to cut down costs is to use a shared office space. You can take an office space along with other non-profit firms and share the expenses. This will give you a good office while saving on rental money.

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