Home General Top Questions to Ask A Migration Agent Before Hiring Them

Top Questions to Ask A Migration Agent Before Hiring Them

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If you plan to travel to Australia, you should be looking for an Australian Registered Migration Agent Perth. Whether you want professional help with your visa application or family sponsorship, having a migration agent by your side will always increase the chance of getting the application approved.

As a visa applicant, you will always want your application to get accepted on the first attempt. That is why hiring an experienced agent is necessary whom you can rely on for various immigration requirements. This blog discusses several questions that you have to ask your immigration agent before hiring them.


12 questions that you must ask your Migration Agent

Australian migration agents are known for their top-rated services provided to their clients over these years. The most significant benefit of working with them is that you can contact them from anywhere in the world. So, even if you are going for an offshore application, you can send them an email and seek their assistance. If it is your first visa application, likely, you do not know which questions you should ask the migration expert. To ease your job, we have listed here 12 important questions to keep in mind.

  1. Are you registered with MARA?

MARA is the government body of Australia where the migration agents have to get themselves registered. MARA is the acronym for Migration Agents Registration Authority. While hiring an Australian Migration Agent, you have to check if they have the proper registration with the MARA.

Every country operates a licensing system to protect its immigration clients. Therefore, if you hire a non-registered agent, there is a high chance of getting misguided, and you may lose unnecessary money.

To check whether your migration agent is registered, you should check the website of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. You may also call the local embassy to check this information. While checking, you should also ask for the registration or license number of your migration representative. 

If the professional does not have the number, they cannot represent your case. Instead, they can only file the case under your name, which implies that, ultimately, you are doing the filing.

  1. Give me your contact details in Australia.

As an applicant, you have to be sure that the claims made by the agent are correct. While hiring, you should ask for their contact details in Australia so that you can contact them if anything happens. Sometimes, visa applications get rejected because of inexperienced agents. So, be careful about that.

  1. Tell me about your experience in this industry.

Any visa application process involves several steps and the submission of various documents. You have to complete all the steps carefully. Missing a vital document or step will lead to visa refusal, which can be extremely disappointing.

But when you hire an experienced migration agent, they will help you submit a complete application, thus ensuring that your visa application becomes successful on the first attempt. 

For this reason, it is important to ask the migration consultant how many years they have been working in this industry. After hearing their answer, you can verify the claim by asking other agents about the registration year of their consultancy.

  1. Which immigration program should I go for?

The Department of Home Affairs offers several visas, and each visa involves different requirements. There are both temporary visas for students and permanent residence visas for skilled workers. Differences occur between visitor visas, too. Therefore, it is crucial to know which immigration program you should choose.

Before you sign the contract with your agent, you must ensure that your migration agent gives you the proper guidance about the most suitable program for you. If the agent suggests only one program, you must become cautious.

  1. Who will attest to the necessary documents?

Usually, a registered migration agent from Perth has the legal right to sign all the necessary documents. So, to make your process easier, you have to hire an agent who can do it for you.

  1. How likely is my visa approved?

Indeed, even the top migration expert cannot guarantee you whether your visa application will be successful or not. If you find someone giving a 100% guarantee, you have to be careful. Remember that there are different pathways through which the application can be made. Therefore, choosing the right pathway will get your job half done.

  1. How long does my visa application take to get processed?

Processing times for different visas are different. However, experienced agents can give you an approximation so that you can make further plans.

  1. Will I get updates about changes to the law during the processing time?

Migration laws always change. That is why it is necessary to stay updated about those changes in regulations so that your visa application remains transparent. You have to also know your position in the visa application process in terms of receiving a successful visa.

  1. Can you provide testimonials related to complicated cases?

Complexities may arise anytime with the visa application process, and your visa consultant from Perth should be well aware of them. You should check whether the professional has adequate experience dealing with migration cases of clients of a similar profession and coming from a similar background. When complications arise, only an experienced agent comes in handy.

  1. What can I do if the Department of Home Affairs rejects my visa application?

A common answer that you will receive from every migration agent is that the authority will refund you the visa application fee. But, if you hire a registered agent, they will negotiate with the case officer to know the exact reasons behind visa refusal. They can also help you if you decide to review the decision. This is why we always advise hiring a registered agent.

  1. How much will you charge for your service?

Check out the services your migration agent offers and ask how much they will charge for all these. Also, do not forget to ask for the breakdown of the total fee. A registered and professional migration consultancy or agent will always provide you with clear-cut answers and documents.

  1. Can I add my close family members to my visa application?

This is another crucial question you should ask your migration agent before starting your application. A majority of Australian visas allow applicants to add their family members to the application. However, before you come to any conclusion on your own, it is a better idea to consult your consultant or immigration lawyer whether you can include your spouse or partner or dependent children in your application. 

For example, no visitor visa allows applicants to include family members, while you can add them if you apply for student visas or work visas.

The Bottom Line

If you search for a trustworthy and experienced immigration consultant, you have to first find a top-rated immigration consultancy in Perth that offers a wide range of migration services. These leading firms work with the most reliable agents and thus can assign the best individual to look after your case. Top agents not only help with the application procedure but also help choose the best visa option. Whether you need travel, student, or work visa, it is always better to get in touch with such a firm. 


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