Home Website Development The power of domain names for SEO and website traffic

The power of domain names for SEO and website traffic

by admin

Domain names play a key role in both SEO and website traffic. A great domain name can help you rank higher in search engine results and get more visitors to your website. On the other hand, a bad domain name can hurt your SEO and hurt your traffic.

There are a couple of things to remember while picking a space name.

First, your domain name should be related to your business or website. It should also be short, easy to remember and easy to spell.
Finally, you want to choose a domain name that has a good reputation and is not associated with spam sites.
Here are 15 tips for choosing a great domain name:
1. Keep it short and simple

The more limited your area name is, the simpler it is for individuals to recall and type.You want to make sure your domain name is no longer than two or three words. You can also buy premium domains here.
2. Make it relevant to your business
Your domain name should be related to your business or website. For example, if you are a website about dogs, your domain name might be something like “www.dogs.com” or “www.dogstoday.com”.
3. Don’t use hyphens
Hyphens are often used to break up words in a domain name, but they can actually hurt your SEO. If possible, it is better to avoid their use.
4. Use keywords
Using keywords in your domain name can help you rank higher in search engine results. For example, if you are a dog training website, you can use the keyword “dog training” in your domain name.
5. Do not use numbers and symbols Numbers and images can be confounding and difficult to recall. It is best to avoid using them in your domain name.
6. Make spelling easier
You want people to be able to spell your domain name easily. Try not to utilize words that are challenging to spell or articulate.

7. Select the .com extension

The .com expansion is the most famous and perceived augmentation. It is also the easiest to remember. If you can get a .com domain name, it’s worth it.
8. Don’t use hyphens
Hyphens are often used to break up words in a domain name, but they can actually hurt your SEO. On the off chance that conceivable, keeping away from their use is better.

9. Use a keyword rich domain name
Using keywords in your domain name can help you rank higher in search engine results. For example, if you are a dog training website, you can use the keyword “dog training” in your domain name.
10. Make it brandable
A great domain name should be brandable and easy to remember. Do not use generic words or numbers in your domain name.
11. Check availability of social media handles
Before choosing a domain name, make sure the appropriate social media controls are available (eg Twitter, Facebook). You want to make sure you can build a strong social media presence for your website or business.
12. Make sure it is available in different TLDs
Before deciding on a domain name, check if it is available in different top-level domains (TLDs). These include .com, .net, .org and more.
13. Do not use trademarked terms

You would rather not cause problems for involving a reserved term in your space name.

If you’re not sure if a term is trademarked, do a quick search online or contact the US Patent and Trademark Office.
14. Do a quick search online
Before you register a domain name, do a quick search online to see if it’s already in use. You don’t want to accidentally choose a domain name that is already taken.
15. Register your domain name early
If you have a specific domain name in mind, don’t wait to register. The sooner you register it, the less likely someone else will overtake you.
Choosing a great domain name is crucial for both SEO and website traffic. Keep these 15 tips in mind when choosing a domain name for your website or business.

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