Home Technology Penetration Testing as a Service: What It Is and How To Pick

Penetration Testing as a Service: What It Is and How To Pick

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Penetration Testing

Penetration testing as a service is a form of security assessment that is used to identify the vulnerabilities of an organization’s information systems like computers, networks as well as individual applications. The main aim of penetration testing as a service is to provide organizations with information on how well their systems can withstand an attack.

Penetration testing can be performed by an organization’s own employees, or by hiring a third-party provider. It also assists companies in detecting security vulnerabilities before possible exploitation by hackers. In this article, we will discuss the features of penetration testing as a service and name some providers who offer this type of security assessment.

Penetration Testing As A Service

Assessing security to identify loopholes within an organization’s information system like computers, individual applications, and even networks is what Cloud pen testing Bluebox platform as a service refers to. Its major goal is to provide this service to organizations so that those companies can find out how well they can defend themselves against any possible onslaughts or attacks.

Penetration Testing Can Be Performed By An Organization’s Own Employees

One way to perform an online penetration test is by having your own employees do it. However, this may be time-consuming and impossible for some companies. In addition, your employees may not have the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct a thorough security assessment.

Hiring A Third-Party Provider

Another option is to hire a third-party penetration testing company who offers penetration testing services. This can be a more cost-effective solution and will ensure that the assessment is carried out by experts who have the necessary skills and knowledge.

Penetration Testing As A Service- The Features

The features of penetration testing as a service include:

  • The use of specialized tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities.
  • The use of a variety of attack vectors to exploit vulnerabilities.
  • A comprehensive analysis of the situation that includes an elaborate description of the findings.
  • Internal and external systems testing is possible with penetration testing as a service.
  • A comprehensive security assessment that identifies all vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems.
  • A report that details the findings of the assessment, how well systems can withstand an attack and provides recommendations on how to fix the vulnerabilities.
  • The ability to test both networks and individual applications.
  • 24-72 hour turnaround time for reports.
  • Help fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited by hackers.

Who Offers Penetration Testing As A Service?

If you are looking for a provider of penetration testing as a service, check out Astra’s Pentest, HackerOne, Trustwave, Veracode, and Cobalt. Vulnerability assessment services and penetration testing are two types of security testing that businesses often hire to look for potential threats. Here are some providers who offer penetration testing as a service: 

  • Astra Pentest- provides a comprehensive security assessment that identifies all vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems.
  • HackerOne – offers both self-serve and fully managed pen testing services. They also have a bug bounty platform where organizations can find ethical hackers to test their systems for vulnerabilities.
  • Trustwave – offers a range of pentesting services, from on-demand testing to assessment and remediation services.
  • Veracode – at no extra charge the service helps organizations assess their app security posture, including both automated and manual penetration testing.
  • Cobalt – offers pentesting as part of its Managed Security Services suite. They have a team of experienced penetration testers who use a variety of methods to identify vulnerabilities.

Picking The Right Penetration Testing Service

When choosing a provider of penetration testing as a service, consider the following factors:

  • The scope of the assessment – make sure that the provider offers a comprehensive security assessment that identifies all vulnerabilities in your systems.
  • The experience and qualifications of the testers – ensure that the testers who will be conducting the assessment have the necessary skills and knowledge to identify all vulnerabilities.
  • The turnaround time for reports – most providers offer a 24-72 hour turnaround time for reports.
  • The cost of the assessment – make sure that the cost is reasonable and fits into your budget.
  • The type of support offered after the assessment – look for a provider who offers help in fixing the vulnerabilities identified in the assessment.

Penetration Testing As a Service-Pros And Cons

The advantages of opting for penetration testing as a service include:

  • A comprehensive security assessment that identifies all vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems.
  • A report revealing the findings of the evaluation and how well systems may withstand an attack.
  • The report provides recommendations on how to fix the vulnerabilities.
  • The ability to test both networks and individual applications.

The disadvantages of opting for penetration testing as a service include:

  • The cost of the assessment.
  • The duration takes to finish up the assessment.
  • The necessity to have staff in-house capable of fixing the flaws discovered during the evaluation.


Penetration testing is an important tool for organizations that want to protect their information systems from hackers. It aids in the identification of flaws and their repair before they are exploited. In this article, we discussed the features of penetration testing as a service and named some providers who offer this type of security assessment.

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