Home Finance Lån – Basic Requirements To Get A Loan

Lån – Basic Requirements To Get A Loan

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Most people need money to enable them carry out certain financial responsibilities like buying a car or a new building. There are also lots of financial obligations that need fulfillment on a daily basis. Money is needed to provide for basic things, settle hospital bills, complete a project or for education purpose. Sometimes, the funds in your account may not be enough to help you fulfill those obligations. You may get confused as to where to seek funds from; this is a valid reason why loans exist. 

A lot of people misunderstand why the loans are important in the world today. A loan simply refers to the lending of money by an individual or financial institution to other individuals or organizations for a purpose. Loans are paid back over an agreed repayment period, with interest. The payment routine could be weekly or monthly over the agreed repayment period. There are financial institutions, entities, lenders, brokers and companies that are licensed and approved to give out loans.

People believe that the application process for taking out loans is usually complicated, stressful and long. People also fear taking out loans because of the belief that taking out loans requires collateral. Collateral is more like a pledge of an asset (either a car or property) made by a borrower to a lender. And if the borrower defaults, the lender takes possession of whatever asset pledged. However, there are loans you can get without the provision of collateral.

It is possible to take out loans from some financial institutions that give out loans as fast as possible. Most lenders give out loans as fast as 24 hours after application. If you are a resident or a citizen of Norway, you have the privilege of getting loans på minuttet (per minute) as far as you meet the minimum requirements. As a borrower, you need to bear in mind that some documents are also required during the application process.

This article shall highlight how you can get loans as quick as possible and factors to consider before applying for it.

Factors To Consider Before Applying For A Loan

The process of getting a loan is not as hard as people think it is. It is a sequential one, as you need to follow a step-by-step procedure. If you are careful to follow all the steps accordingly, you would get it with ease. 

The following are some factors to consider before applying for a loan:

Financial Institutions And Lenders


This is a major factor to consider after deciding the amount you intend to borrow. You can get loans from a bank, credit unit, licensed lender or any other financial institution like credit unions. The above mentioned lenders have different interest rates, application process, repayment terms and requirements. Application process may be online or in-person, as desired. However, some lenders have online platforms where you can take out loans.

Make a research of reputable lenders that are well known around your location. This is because some lenders charge origination fees on loans, so endeavor to find a good lender to avoid having problems with your debt in the future.

Bear in mind that not all lenders give out all types of loans. Check here https://www.investopedia.com/ to see the types of loan that a financial entity or lender may give out to borrowers.

Repayment Terms

All lenders have different repayment terms. As a borrower, you can agree to one, two, five or ten year repayment period – as far as it is suitable for you to make payments monthly. You can either choose a short repayment term or a longer repayment term. It is best to know that longer repayment terms result in lower monthly payments with higher cumulative interest rate. While shorter repayment terms result in higher monthly payments and lower interest rates. 

Ensure to choose an affordable payment method that would not deter you from making your payments as at when due and help you from defaulting.

Good Interest Rate

This is another factor that has to be considered by a borrower before applying for a loan. Make sure you check out the interest rate before you start the application process. An interest rate may either be a fixed rate or a variable rate, depending on the lender. This factor should be checked because while repaying your debt, it will be added to the principal amount you borrowed. 

Compare the rates of lenders before you choose a lender to get a loan from. Most lenders have different ways of calculating their interest rate as it is derived from a proper examination of your credit score and income.

Speedy Disbursement of Approved Funding

Not all lenders disburse as fast as possible. Some of them take days before they disburse your loan amount. The processing of your loan application and approval should be made as fast as possible. Most banks and lenders process your application and send a notification of approval to your email for signing. 

Basic Requirements To Get A Loan

Before applying for a loan, it is advisable to know the basic criteria required to get it as fast as possible. Once your application process is settled, the lender wastes no time in giving the loan but once minor defaults are noticed, the process is delayed.

It is important to decide on the amount you intend to borrow, the type of loan you need and the institution you want to borrow from. Click here to see tips that will help your decision process. Lenders usually have basic requirements that vary. Your eligibility as a borrower matters if you intend to get a loan without presenting collateral.

The following are some of the requirements to get a loan from lenders:

Credit history

Getting loans rely on how credit worthy you as a borrower. A good credit history or report without negative remarks qualifies you to apply for a loan and get it. Make sure you know your credit score and get an updated credit report before applying for a loan. Lenders always check your credit score to determine if the loan amount you applied for can be given to you.

Income And Financial Stability

As a borrower, your income and financial stability will be considered by the lender. This is a major criterion for loans that do not necessarily require collateral. Information about your income and employment status will be supplied to your lender such as a copy of a pay slip. If your income is low or you are found financially unstable, lenders may reject your application for a loan.

The income you earn monthly determines how the interest rate on your loan will be calculated. Most times, financial institutions may ask you to bring a co-signer whose income is higher than yours. The credit score and income of the co-signer will stand in for yours, if yours is considered too low. 

Age Requirement

Age requirement is a basic criterion for your qualification. Lenders require a borrower to be at least above 18 years before applying for a loan. You would be denied from applying if your age falls below the minimum legal age.

Proof Of Identity

Identification is an important requirement. Your address, identity as a resident of the area where you stay will be confirmed by the lender. Important documents that stand as proof of your identification may also be requested. 


Once you are approved for the loan you applied for, other information  will be provided by the lender for documentation purpose. This is usually after your application has been approved.

Remember you would be denied a loan if you have negative remarks on your credit report  or other personal attributes unacceptable by the lender. Taking out a loan is not as difficult as people think, because you can get it by the minute!

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