Home digital marketing How to Use Hotel Marketing to Attract New Guests to Your Property

How to Use Hotel Marketing to Attract New Guests to Your Property

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Hotel Marketing

Between 2020 and 2021, the hotel industry lost a collective $111.8 billion in revenue, according to a report by the American Hotel and Lodging Association.

While numbers are almost back to pre-pandemic levels, it’s clear that hotels still have some work to do to get back on track. Now, more than ever, you should place hotel marketing at the top of your to-do list if you want to survive the next two years.

Read these pointers to put you on the right track toward surviving and thriving in the age of the new traveler.

Get Your Website Back on Track

Your website plays an important role in hotel digital marketing. So, you must ensure it’s user-friendly, quick to load, and optimized for hospitality searches. 

Getting on board with a hotel marketing agency will ensure you get this done as fast and effectively as possible. 

To add to the woes of the hospitality industry, Google released a core update late in 2021 that could impact your website rankings. This update has a major effect on local SEO, so make sure you’re targeting the correct area in your website copy.

Complete and update your Google Business listing and make sure your hotel’s featured with as many Online Travel Agents as possible. The new update favors hotels that pinpoint their locations accurately to help searchers find what they want.

If you’ve managed to keep your website active with blogs and useful information for travelers throughout the last two years, good for you. If not, you’ll need to get started posting new content right away.

As the industry resurfaces, you can rest assured your competitors will do the same.

Boost Your Hotel Marketing With SEO

Search engines move the goalposts with alarming frequency, making it difficult for busy hotel owners to keep track. One of the best ways to avoid the hassles associated with these changes is with high-quality SEO at the outset.

Work with a professional SEO agency to set up a hotel marketing plan that will see you through these unexpected updates. 

View here for more about how a hotel digital marketing agency can put SEO to work for you. 

Reach Out With Hotel Email Marketing

Remind your customers of the good times they once enjoyed at your establishment by getting in touch with them via email. Go through your database and re-target previous customers with irresistible snippets about your hotel.

These could include:

  • Special offers
  • Discounts for returning customers
  • Loyalty programs
  • Upcoming events in your area

Implementing a hospitality management system in your organization will help you keep tabs on customer information like when they like to vacation and their room preferences.

Based on this information, you can create email correspondence that’s bound to bring them back.

Back in Business

Effective hotel marketing will get you back on track and even exceed your previous successes. So, get started right away by engaging expert help, so you can focus on doing what you do best. 

Are you ready to forge ahead amid this new reality? Browse our blog for more information on how to help your business thrive in these challenging times. Be agile to invoice some out-of-the-box marketing tips like direct mall marketing to delight your hotel’s guests. And to make the sending process seamless use an automated mail service

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