Home Business Don’t Make These Amazon Marketing Mistakes

Don’t Make These Amazon Marketing Mistakes

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Don't Make These Amazon Marketing Mistakes

Amazon marketing isn’t for the weak. It’s a complex artform that requires a specific touch. So, naturally, it comes with the opportunity to make countless mistakes, and that’s what we want you to avoid. 

While it’s always best to hire professionals like an Amazon marketing consultant or marketing agency, if you plan on going alone, here’s what you need to know!

Don’t Treat Amazon Like Google

Google and Amazon both offer ad campaigns; surely they’re the same? Not at all. Terminology and general principles are similar, but the structure is far from the same. Understand that you need to treat Amazon as an entirely separate form of advertising and understand how they operate. For example, both Google and Amazon have ‘match types,’ but they both do different things regardless of similar names. So learn all the differences before running an ad that doesn’t work. 

Don’t Panic and Make Changes To Ad Budgets Or Reduce It Too Quickly

It’s very easy to see things not working on an ad, and instead of taking a more level-headed approach, we throw in the towel and pull the plug. Now, calm down. Wait 7 – 14 days before making any alterations whatsoever. Learn and understand that ad you’ve run and how it’s performing. Try and dissect it and determine what’s working and what isn’t before amending it even slightly.

Don’t Avoid Keyword Research

On the internet, no matter where you are, keywords are king. It’s a balancing act that, when done correctly, can get your product out in front of the target audience you’ve been aiming for. You can also focus on certain keywords when running ads instead of attacking the entire range of keywords you’ve chosen. Don’t neglect keyword research to see what your product has the best shot of dominating. Also, ensure that the keywords you choose are accurate to the product and its benefits. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Test New Ad Programs

Amazon is all about getting new things out into the world, like services to improve your ad experience. However, they’re not always perfect at launch. Amazon takes feedback seriously and manages to fine-tune its offerings over time. Still, the important thing is that you need to test these new ad programs when they become available. When things don’t go well, follow the progress and update reports, and see if things improve to the point where you can retry your luck. Some of these ad programs might be extremely beneficial.

Don’t Ignore Amazon Resources

Amazon can be overwhelming and often confusing, but a ton of resources are available from Amazon designed to help you succeed. A great example is Amazon’s Learning Consol. The Learning Consol is a course and test that helps you understand Amazon Ads and allows you to get certified to run them. This is just one example, but there’s more buried within the expansive web that is Amazon. So again, getting training from the source is the best way to understand the platform you’re trying to sell your products on. 


There are so many mistakes to avoid, and if you’re not up to the task, you need an Amazon marketing agency or consultant to do it for you! UpCounting is an Amazon marketing agency ready to take your store to the next level. Get in touch today, and let’s start bringing your products to life on the world’s biggest online marketplace.

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