Home Technology All about Intelligent Orchestration: The Future of DevSecOps

All about Intelligent Orchestration: The Future of DevSecOps

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Today, organizations want to make the best use of digital transformation at high speed without compromising security. Companies use various technologies and processes like DevSecOpssite reliability engineering, GitOps, etc. 

Companies’ technologies and processes need automation to maximize the velocity and enable continuous improvement. 

It is right that DevOps environments allow faster deployments to production, but they may also be a risk to the organization if not secured rightly. 

Attackers are looking for DevOps environments because they know they can gain access to source code, libraries, cloud environments, defect reports, and other sensitive information. Thus, it is important to secure the IT environments of the organization. 

Organizations use methodologies to add security to the existing mature DevOps practices to combat security threats. 

The industry problem

The security teams are adopting the DevOps methodologies to catch up with DevSecOps, which means adding automation. Here, automation is key for DevOps, but adding an application security tool and automating it won’t help you. 

Automating the various tools in the pipeline and running them without understanding the requirement can create several problems. The problems may be related to:

  • Scaling
  • Speed
  • Collaboration
  • Testing
  • The difficult resolution, etc.

The solution

The solutions to these all problems can be as follows:

  • Balancing people, process, and technology.
  • Running automated security tests.
  • Ensure that all procedures and policies in a company are followed.
  • Lighten the load on developers by automating as much as possible and just bringing up the most critical issues for resolution.
  • Use an automated signoff process.

Critical Functions of Security in DevSecOps

Let’s start by talking about policy as code. The policy should be based on a well-informed risk education strategy. An approach to software security is important for all app development teams to use static analysis. A better policy is the one that would specify the tool and identify the configuration and types of results before launching an application. 

Policy as code is one technique to express policy in the form of machine-readable files. When you use policy as code, it simply means that the policy is precise and the change management process can support changes. 

The security in DevSecOps performs various important functions. It enforces the policy as a code. It also conducts testing at specified events within the development pipeline. The security layer must also be capable of handling the tooling integrations and normalizing the results from the security tools.  

Your pipeline requests the security layer to execute security testing when events like a repository commit or repository merge request. Intelligent orchestration is the name of this effective procedure. 

Intelligent orchestration

Intelligent orchestration helps teams integrate the application security analysis into DevOps pipelines by maintaining the development velocity. It uses a cloud-based channel that performs the proper security tests at the correct time that too based on the defined policies. 

How can intelligent orchestration help development teams?

 Developers are given problems based on the organization’s security policies priority. Intelligent orchestration can help the teams decide – when to run a particular scan and when not to. The decision is made by calculating the total risk score and pre-decided security policies. 

Intelligent orchestration can be very useful for DevOps engineers. It reduces the risk of adding application security testing into the DevOps pipelines. It also removes friction by differentiating analysis from other development flaws, which will ensure the maintenance of pipeline velocity. 

How can intelligent orchestration help security and compliance teams?

The role of security teams is to configure the organization’s specific policy, governance, and compliance requirements. In Intelligent orchestration, the policies that decide the depth & breadth of security activities, catch any anomalies, and scan compliance requirements can be configured for each business unit and the whole company. 

Security professionals may also quickly set up security or quality gates according to user-defined criteria. Necessary issues are then automatically forwarded to issue-tracking platforms. It gives development teams constant input and visibility into security discoveries. 

The Intelligent orchestration also allows people to configure the post-scan feedback so that the response team or person gets notified immediately about the paused or failed builds or possible threats. 

Security at scale and speed with Intelligent Orchestration 

With Intelligent Orchestration, you don’t have to stress the application security, slowing the development pipelines and hindering your digital transformation and innovation. 

Intelligent Orchestration runs the right tools at the right time by triggering the manual activities, so you don’t have to run all the activities in the pipeline for every build and wait for the team to perform the actions.  

Companies can also adopt a good release management process for software releases. It will improve the efficiency of the release teams. 


At last, we would say that automation has become important to release applications and software quickly. Nevertheless, automation does not necessarily work in your favour all the time. Intelligent Orchestration can help maintain the development velocity and ensure security; hence, it seems to be the future of DevSecOps, i.e., development, security, and operations. 

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