Home DIY 8 Things to Avoid:  For DIY Terrarium Singapore

8 Things to Avoid:  For DIY Terrarium Singapore

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A terrarium is a great way to add some greenery to your home, and it can be a fun project to do with the kids. DIY terrarium kits are available for purchase online or at your local garden center. The kits usually come with everything you need to get started, including soil, rocks, plants, and a container. Don’t be tricked by well-meaning friends and family members into making your terrarium too complicated. A DIY Terrarium in Singapore should be a simple, self-contained ecosystem that is easy to care for. Making your own terrarium is a fun and easy way to add some green to your home décor. But if you want your terrarium to thrive, be sure to avoid these 8 common mistakes.

1. Not Using the Right Type of Container:

When it comes to choosing a container for your terrarium, it’s important to pick one that is made of clear glass or plastic. This will allow sunlight to reach the plants inside and help them to grow. Avoid using dark-colored containers, as they will prevent the plants from getting the light they need. 

2. Not Adding Enough Drainage:

One of the most common mistakes people make when creating their own DIY Terrarium in Singapore is not adding enough drainage. If there is too much water in the soil, the roots of the plants will start to rot, and your terrarium will quickly become a home for mold and mildew. To avoid this, be sure to add a layer of gravel or rocks to the bottom of your container before adding the soil. 

3. Not Watering Properly:

Another common mistake is overwatering or underwatering the plants. Be sure to check the soil of your terrarium regularly, and water only when it is dry to the touch. If the plants are wilting, that’s a sign that they need more water.

4. Not Adding Enough Light:

Plants need sunlight to grow, so be sure to place your terrarium in a spot that gets plenty of light. If you don’t have a spot in your home that gets enough light, you can purchase an artificial light source from your local garden center. 

5. Not Ventilating Properly:

One way to prevent mold and mildew from taking over your terrarium is to make sure it is well ventilated. Be sure to leave the lid of your terrarium open for a few hours each day to allow fresh air to circulate. 

6. Not Pruning the Plants for DIY Terrarium in Singapore:

As the plants in your terrarium grow, be sure to trim them back as needed. This will help to keep the plants healthy and prevent them from taking over the container. Also, be sure to remove any dead leaves or stems from the plants as they occur. 

7. Not Fertilizing:

Fertilizing the plants in your terrarium will help them to grow and thrive. You can purchase a fertilizer specifically for terrariums at your local garden center, or you can use a regular houseplant fertilizer diluted with water. DIY Terrarium in Singapore is a unique way to bring nature indoors. By creating a mini-ecosystem, terrariums allow you to enjoy the beauty of plants year-round. Additionally, they are easy to care for and can be tailored to fit any space. If you’re looking for a stylish way to add some greenery to your home, a terrarium might be the perfect solution.

8. Not Cleaning:

Last but not least, be sure to clean your terrarium on a regular basis. Remove any dead leaves or plants, and wipe down the inside of the container with a damp cloth. This will help to prevent mold and mildew from taking over.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid making common mistakes that people make when creating their own terrarium. With a little bit of care, your terrarium will be a beautiful addition to your home décor that you can enjoy for years to come. For plant lovers in Singapore, terrariums are the perfect way to add a bit of greenery to your space. Not only are they attractive and easy to care for, but they also provide a unique way to display your plants. If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to show off your plants, consider making your own terrarium. 


DIY Terrarium in Singapore is a fun and easy way to bring nature into your home. By following these simple tips, you can avoid making common mistakes that people make when creating their own terrarium. With a little bit of care, your terrarium will be a beautiful addition to your home décor that you can enjoy for years to come.


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