Home product review 3 Best Ways To Get A Jump Start On Spring Cleaning 

3 Best Ways To Get A Jump Start On Spring Cleaning 

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Spring cleaning

Ah, the annual spring cleaning. It always feels fantastic when it’s done, but going into it, the process can be downright daunting. As such, it’s wise to get ahead and clean what you can! This way, when springtime comes, you won’t be as overwhelmed, and you can perhaps even fit in a few extra home improvement projects, too. If you are at a loss as to where to begin, try some of these tips, and you’ll be on your way to a cleaner home and a less stressful spring in no time!

1. Declutter Problem Areas

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to a proper spring cleaning is an excess of clutter. You cant get into all the cracks and crevices in your home with a bunch of junk in the way! The best way to do this is to break up your home into “sections” and tackle one at a time. For example, start in the bathroom, go through the drawers and cabinets, and discard old medicine (always bring it to your local pharmacy for safe disposal!), makeup, and any other junk. Check under the sink for old cleaning products and safely dispose of these at the liquid waste section of your local recycling center. With this trash out of the way, you can effectively clean every inch of your bathroom when the time comes!

If you have more extensive clutter that needs to be tackled in your basement or attic, you can get a head start on this too. Rent a dumpster in Bethlehem, PA before the spring rush and start sorting what can go. Old decorations, broken tools and gardening equipment, and even musty furniture are perfect candidates for your big dumpster cleanout. When weather permits, start bringing out what pieces you are ready to part with. This way, your dumpster will be packed and ready to be picked up by springtime! You may not have cleaned out everything as of the spring, but the more you do ahead of time, the less you’ll have to do once the spring cleaning season really heats up.

2. Make A Checklist

Now that you have removed all the clutter, you can better take stock of your home’s condition. Make a list of the areas that need the most attention, and determine the order in which you’d like to tackle them. Divide your home into sections if you haven’t already done so, and determine the approximate amount of time each area will take. This way, you can get a general sense of how long the job will take in its entirety. Sometimes spring cleaning can seem like it takes an eternity, so there is nothing more satisfying than checking things off your list and having a finite time frame during which the work will take place.

3. Donate What You Can

While it may be tempting to spend a cold winter day cuddling on the couch binge-watching your favorite show, you may be passing up a perfect opportunity to make your life easier come springtime. Tackle one (or more!) of your closets and determine what among your possessions is garbage, what you would like to keep, and what can be donated. And if you ordered that dumpster, you can get rid of it on the spot if you wish, leaving one less step when the big push comes in springtime. Winter is a perfect time to give some things to a local clothing or coat drive in your community; you’ll be making your life easier and helping someone in need in the process!

If you start during the winter and get as much done as you possibly can, your spring cleaning experience will be a breeze! Once the major mess is out of the way, such as clothing you don’t wear, old furniture, and other clutter, you’ll have a much easier time getting into those hard-to-reach areas of your home.

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