Home Home Improvement 10 things you should never put in a microwave oven

10 things you should never put in a microwave oven

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microwave oven

Modern technology’s microwave is a wonder. It just takes a few seconds for food to change from ice-cold to piping-hot. It shortens the cooking time, speeds up the preparation time, and makes life simpler for the home chef in general. A best microwave oven should not be used for everything in your refrigerator or pantry. If nuked for less than a minute, certain foods, drinks, and containers emit chemicals, burn, melt, or explode. Some of them may even become harmful if not handled properly. To avoid any type of appliance problem, always choose sub-zero repair services to handle the fixing of your equipment.


Red, orange, and green peppers all contain the same active ingredient: capsaicin. Especially in the case of super-hot peppers, the capsaicin evaporates when cooked in the microwave and dissipates into the surrounding air. Venturing out of the microwave may cause irritation and burns to the respiratory system and the eyes and nose.

Eggs Hard-boiled

You’re sick of eating cold eggs for lunch, so you give yourself a quick 15-second microwave treat. The situation seems to be fine until you attempt to cut into the egg, and it blows up—everywhere, including your desk, computer, and even you. When microwaved eggs, both whole and peeled, are heated, steam is released. Pressure rises when steam is trapped within the whites and cannot escape. When you cut into the egg, or even worse, eat into it, the steam immediately escapes. The ensuing explosion may cause severe burns.


Plastics include Styrofoam, which is a food-safe foam. The chemicals released when food is cooked may contaminate both your meal and the air around you. When microwaved, the foam loses its thermal stability. It may melt or distort in the process.

Take-out Container

Metal may be found on the handles of the take-out containers, and using a microwave with metal inside is not recommended. The metal may catch fire if heated to a high enough temperature. Before zapping anything plastic, make sure it says “Microwave Safe” on the side. The FDA regulates this label, which tells you if heating the container exposes you to chemicals.


Tea can be heated in your microwave considerably quicker than a kettle, but the time you save may come at a high cost. When water is cooked in the microwave on its own, it may rapidly reach dangerously high temperatures. Even though there are no bubbles to be seen, this indicates that the water is boiling. Adding a tea bag or spoon may cause the water to begin boiling almost immediately. It has the potential to go off at any time.


It may be tempting to warm many grapes and add them to your oatmeal before eating it but resist the urge. Using a microwave to cook grapes transforms the sweet pulp into molten plasma very fast. If they burst in the microwave, when you mix it, or even as you take a mouthful, hot fruit will fly everywhere.

Leftover potatoes

While you may still microwave your potatoes to speed up the cooking process, you must take precautions to prevent them from becoming toxic if you wish to reheat them later. Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that causes botulism, often lives in potatoes. Bacterial spores may grow in cooked potatoes that aren’t put in the fridge right after. Also, microwaving the potatoes will not eliminate germs, so they may irritate your stomach if you eat them after they’ve been refrigerated.

Tomatoes Sauce

Microwaving tomato sauces often results in splatters. When the sauce is warmed, the heat and steam it produces have difficulty leaving through the thick sauce or around the components. As the steam rises, it threatens to break through the microwave’s walls and onto the countertop. When you mix the sauce, it may even erupt, resulting in burns and ruined clothing.

Meats that have been processed

The microwave should not cook foods like bacon, hot dogs, lunch meat, or sausages. It is because heating these meat-based processed goods causes the production of carcinogenic organic pollutants (COPs). The presence of COPs has been related to an increased risk of coronary artery disease.


Never turn on an empty microwave while it’s not plugged in. The microwaves bounce back to the magnetron if there is no food or container to absorb them. It has the potential to cause harm to the machine, and it even has the potential to spark a fire. Before you click the start button, be sure you’ve placed the meal in the microwave correctly.

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